<ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json)>用来自动将我Return格式化为 json 格式的输出。

但是,我认为我做的比必要的多,因为我首先将 a 的内容转储DataSet到 aDictionary中,然后ReturnDictionary.

如果我在列上使用别名并想输出所有列,有没有办法像我一样简单Return地使用? 如果没有,我怎样才能用尽可能少的行来做到这一点?DataSetDictionary

Dim conn As New SqlConnection
conn.ConnectionString = Module1.DBConn2
Dim sqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Select id, column1, column2... From table1", conn)
    Dim sqlDataset As DataSet = New DataSet()
    Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)

    Dim jsonDict(sqlDataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1) As Dictionary(Of Object, Object)
    Dim i As Integer = 0
    For Each rs As DataRow In sqlDataset.Tables(0).Rows
        jsonDict(i) = New Dictionary(Of Object, Object)
        jsonDict(i).Add("id", rs.Field(Of Object)("id"))
        jsonDict(i).Add("column1", rs.Field(Of Object)("column1"))
        jsonDict(i).Add("column2", rs.Field(Of Object)("column2"))
    i = i + 1
Return jsonDict

2 回答 2


您可以通过 id(primary key) 获取每一行:将返回类型更改为数据表

return sqlDataset.Tables(0);



于 2013-01-20T04:50:15.843 回答
1. pass the array of DataSets to a web service web method that
takes a DataSet as a parameter.


public static void(Dataset[] a)
// do something

您还可以使用 xml 进行操作以填充数据集:

2. Use the DataSet.GetXML method (which returns an XML string representing
the DataSet) and pass that string to a web service web method. Then that
web method would declare a new DataSet and using the ReadXML method, it
could read the XML string into itself. You will need to load the XML string
into an XMLDocument and then pass it to an XMLNodeReader so that it can be
read into the DataSet using ReadXML.

3. fill up each dataset from the array. and pick a dataset through loop operation and after picking the dataset get the table in that dataset. finally you can get the row using the process as below(if needed):

DataRow dr;
Dataset ds;
DataTable dt;

dt = ds.Tables(0);
foreach(dr in ds.tables(0).rows){
// dr("ColName") to get value;
于 2013-01-20T11:47:24.393 回答