import java.util.Scanner;
class AssignmentOneTest {
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
// System.out.printf("$%4.2f for each %s ", price, item);
// System.out.printf("\nThe total is: $%4.2f ", total);
//process for item one
System.out.println("Please enter in your first item");
String item = kb.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter the quantity for this item");
int quantity = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());
System.out.println("Please enter in the price of your item");
double price = Double.parseDouble(kb.nextLine());
//process for item two
System.out.println("Please enter in your second item");
String item2 = kb.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter the quantity for this item");
int quantity2 = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());
System.out.print("Please enter in the price of your item");
double price2 =Double.parseDouble(kb.nextLine());
double total2 = quantity2*price2;
// System.out.printf("$%4.2f for each %s ", price2, item2);
// System.out.printf("\nThe total is: $%4.2f ", total2);
//process for item three
System.out.println("Please enter in your third item");
String item3 = kb.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter the quantity for this item");
int quantity3 = Integer.parseInt(kb.nextLine());
System.out.println("Please enter in the price of your item");
double price3 = Double.parseDouble(kb.nextLine());
double total3 = quantity3*price3;
// System.out.printf("$%4.2f for each %s ", price3, item3);
// System.out.printf("\nThe total is: $%4.2f ", total3);
double total = quantity*price;
double grandTotal = total + total2 + total3;
double salesTax = grandTotal*(.0625);
double grandTotalTaxed = grandTotal + salesTax;
String amount = "Quantity";
String amount1 = "Price";
String amount2 = "Total";
String taxSign = "%";
System.out.printf("\nYour bill: ");
System.out.printf("%28s %11s %11s", "Quantity", "Price", "Total");
//complete item one format
System.out.printf("\n%-30s", item);
System.out.printf("%-10d", (int)quantity);
System.out.printf("%-10.2f", (float)price);
System.out.printf(" " + "%-10.2f", (float)total);
//complete item two format
System.out.printf("\n%-30s", item2);
System.out.printf("%-10d", (int)quantity2);
System.out.printf("%-10.2f", (float)price2);
System.out.printf(" " + "%-10.2f", (float)total2);
//complete item three format
System.out.printf("\n%-30s", item3);
System.out.printf("%-10d", (int)quantity3);
System.out.printf("%-10.2f", (float)price3);
System.out.printf(" " + "%-10.2f", (float)total3);
System.out.printf("\n\n\nSubtotal %47.2f", grandTotal);
System.out.printf("\n6.25 %s sales tax %39.2f", taxSign, salesTax);
System.out.printf("\nTotal %50.2f", grandTotalTaxed);
问题是每次价格相同时,一切都排成一行,但是假设我为两个不同的项目输入了 50.00 的价格和 2.50 的价格,那么项目价格和总小数点并不都排成一行, 请帮忙。