很长一段时间以来,我一直在尝试将高 RPM 的计算卸载到 ATTiny85。我想将 i2c 请求上的 RPM 发送到 Pi,而不是在 pi 上使用 GPIO 引脚中断和处理器时间。我今天终于做到了。这就是我想出的。希望它可以帮助某人。如果有人想批评我的代码,那就去吧!
AtTiny 85 ino 代码:1 Mhz 时钟速度
#include <TinyWire.h>
// _____
// RST -|o AT |- VDD (1.8-5.5v)
// A3/D3 -| Tiny|- D2
// A2/D4 -| 85 |- D1 (PWM) Can use analogWrite(pin_0_or_1, 255);
// GND -|_____|- D0 SDA (PWM) on pwm pins. (8 bit resolution=0-255)
#define own_address 0x26 // I2C address - change this in arduino code if changed
#define LED_pin 4
#define hallPin 3 //Melexis US5881 Hall Effect Sensor (Put a 50K Ohm pull up resistor
// between VDD and OUT pins
bool pulseState = false;
const int sample_rate_ms = 1000;
volatile uint32_t timeCheck = 0; //uint32_t is same as "unsigned long"
volatile uint32_t pulse1 = 0; //uint32_t is same as "unsigned long"
volatile uint32_t pulse2 = 0; //uint32_t is same as "unsigned long"
volatile uint8_t i2c_regs[2] = { 0, 0 };
volatile uint16_t RPM = 0;
volatile int counter = 0; //int is same as short
void setup() {
pinMode(LED_pin, OUTPUT); // If you want to enable an LED for status.
pinMode(hallPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(LED_pin, HIGH); // Turn on the LED to indicate alive status
delay(2000); // Leave it on for 2 seconds
digitalWrite(LED_pin, LOW); // Turn it off
TinyWire.begin( own_address );
TinyWire.onRequest( onI2CRequest );
timeCheck = millis() + sample_rate_ms; // Set a time in the future to calculate
pulse1 = micros(); // Take an initial time hack
sei(); // Enable interrupts
void loop() {
if (digitalRead(hallPin)!=pulseState){ // Look at the hall state
pulseState = !pulseState; // If the pin isn't what it was before
if (!pulseState){ // Check if the pin was pulled low
pulse1 = pulse2; // Start time was previous pulse
pulse2 = micros(); // End time is this pulse
++counter; // Count pulses for determining 0 RPM
delay(0.0016); // Wait for 1/600th of a second (to
// prevent bounces) Should be good up
// to about 20,000rpm. This may not be
} // necessary but it works.
if(millis() > timeCheck){ // Every so often (once per second in my code)
// calculate RPM or lack thereof.
timeCheck = millis() + sample_rate_ms;
if (counter < 2){ // Less than 2 pulses, it's not rotating
RPM = 0;
RPM = 60000000 / (pulse2 - pulse1); // Revs per minute at 1000000 ticks per
// second using micros()
i2c_regs[0] = (RPM & 0xFF00) >>8; // Prepare the two bytes to send
i2c_regs[1] = (RPM & 0x00FF); // and place them into an array
counter = 0; // Reset the counter for the next loop
void onI2CRequest() {
TinyWire.send(i2c_regs, sizeof(i2c_regs)); // Send the two bytes over i2c
这是树莓派 Python 3 代码:
from smbus2 import SMBus, i2c_msg
# https://pypi.org/project/smbus2/
# To install on raspberry pi execute the following:
# pip install smbus2
# or
# sudo python3 -m pip install smbus2
# or
# sudo python3 -m pip3 install smbus2
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def bytes_to_int(bytes):
result = 0
for b in bytes:
result = result * 256 + int(b)
return result
def int_to_bytes(value, length):
# This routine is unused for now
result = []
for i in range(0, length):
result.append(value >> (i * 8) & 0xff)
return result
last_good_data_at = datetime.utcnow()
with SMBus(1) as bus:
while True:
read = i2c_msg.read(address, 2)
bytes = list(read)
bytes = []
if bytes:
last_good_data_at = datetime.utcnow()
rpm = bytes_to_int(bytes)
print(f" " + "\r", end="")
print(f"RPM: {rpm} Bytes: {bytes}" + "\r", end="")
elif datetime.utcnow() > last_good_data_at + timedelta(seconds=10):
print("No data received for 10 seconds.")
print("Terminating program")