This is possible but I think you would need to write your own regex library to achieve it.
Since you're using posix regexen, I'm going to assume that you intend to actually use regular expressions, as opposed to the random collection of computational features which modern regex libraries tend to implement. Regular expressions are closed under union (and many other operations), so you can construct a single regular expression from your array of regular expressions.
Every regular expression can be recognized by a DFA (deterministic finite-state automaton), and a DFA -- regardless of how complex -- recognizes (or fails to recognize) a string in time linear to the length of the string. Given a set of DFAs, you can construct a union DFA which recognizes the languages of all DFAs, and furthermore (with a slight modification of what it means for a DFA to accept a string), you can recover the information about which subset of the DFAs matched the string.
I'm going to try to use the same terminology as the Wikipedia article on DFAs. Let's suppose we have a set of DFAs M = {M1...Mn}
which share a single alphabet Σ. So we have:
Mi = (Qi, Σ, δi, qi0, Fi) where Qi = {qij} for 0 ≤ j < |Qi|, and Qi ⊂ Fi.
We construct the union-DFA M⋃ = (Q⋃, Σ, δ⋃, q⋃0)
(yes, no F
; I'll get to that) as follows:
q⋃0 = <q10,...,qn0>
δ⋃(<q1j1,...,qnjn>, α) = <δ1(q1j1, α),... , δn(qnjn, α)>
for each α ∈ Σ
consists of all states reachable through δ⋃
starting from q⋃0
We can compute this using a standard closure algorithm in time proportional to the product of the sizes of the δi
transition functions.
Now to do a union match on a string α1...αm, we run the union DFA in the usual fashion, starting with its start symbol and applying its transition function to each α in turn. Once we've read the last symbol in the string, the DFA will be in some state <q1j1,...,qnjn>
. From that state, we can extract the set of Mi
which would have matched the string as: {Mi | qiji ∈ Fi}
In order for this to work, we need the individual DFAs to be complete (i.e., they have a transition from every state on every symbol). Some DFA construction algorithms produce DFAs which are lacking transitions on some symbols (indicating that no string with that prefix is in the language); such DFAs must be augmented with a non-accepting "sink" state which has a transition to itself on every symbol.
I don't know of any regex library which exposes its DFAs sufficiently to implement the above algorithm, but it's not too much work to write a simple regex library which does not attempt to implement any non-regular features. You might also be able to find a DFA library.
Constructing a DFA from a regular expression is potentially exponential in the size of the expression, although such cases are rare. (The non-deterministic FA can be constructed in linear time, but in some cases, the powerset construction on the NFA will require exponential time and space. See the Wikipedia article.) Once the DFAs are constructed, however, the union FA can be constructed in time proportional to the product of the sizes of the DFAs.
So it should be easy enough to allow dynamic modification to the set of regular expressions, by compiling each regex to a DFA once, and maintaining the set of DFAs. When the set of regular expressions changes, it is only necessary to regenerate the union DFA.
Hope that all helps.