
我已经包含了itext 2.1.7 jar。我得到了 PDF 格式的输出,但它显示了Object#toString()所有<p:cellEditor>组件的值,如下所示:




2 回答 2


PrimeFaces 标准数据导出器<p:cellEditor>确实无法识别。我之前已将此作为问题 4013报告给 PF 人员,并附有一个示例,该示例不仅提到CellEditor,而且HtmlGraphicImage(我们使用图像来显示布尔状态,alt我们希望在 PDF/XML/XLS/CSV 报告中显示) .


public class ExtendedPDFExporter extends PDFExporter {

    protected String exportValue(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
        if (component instanceof CellEditor) {
            return exportValue(context, ((CellEditor) component).getFacet("output"));
        else if (component instanceof HtmlGraphicImage) {
            return (String) component.getAttributes().get("alt");
        else {
            return super.exportValue(context, component);


然后,要使用它,以编程方式而不是 via 调用它<p:dataExporter>

<p:dataTable binding="#{table}" editable="true" ...>
    <p:column exportable="false"><p:rowEditor /></p:column>
<h:commandLink value="PDF" action="#{bean.exportPDF(table, 'filename')}" />

public void exportPDF(DataTable table, String filename) throws IOException {
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Exporter exporter = new ExtendedPDFExporter();
    exporter.export(context, table, filename, false, false, "UTF-8", null, null);


于 2013-01-19T11:39:45.027 回答

I agree, I also find this approach to customize the Exporter behaviour the most flexible and least painful.

Anyone interested in using the preProcessor/postProcessor methods with this? Here's an example how to do that.

I dared to slightly modify the method from the answer above:

public void exportPDF(DataTable table, String filename, 
        String preProcessor, String postProcessor) throws IOException {

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExpressionFactory factory = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();

    MethodExpression preProcessorME = factory.createMethodExpression(
        context.getELContext(), preProcessor, null, new Class[] {Object.class});
    MethodExpression postProcessorME = factory.createMethodExpression(
        context.getELContext(), postProcessor, null, new Class[] {Object.class});

    Exporter exporter = new ExtendedPDFExporter();
    exporter.export(context, table, filename, false, false, "UTF-8", 
        preProcessorMe, postProcessorME);



And this is how you use it in your page (again, I just modified the above example):

<p:dataTable binding="#{table}" editable="true" ...>
    <p:column exportable="false"><p:rowEditor /></p:column>
<h:commandLink value="PDF" action="#{bean.exportPDF(table, 'filename', 
    '#{yourBean.preProcessPDF}', '#{yourBean.postProcessPDF}')}" />

Notice that there ARE NO NESTED EL STATEMENTS (that is not allowed anyway), the last two arguments are simple Strings containing EL expressions.

于 2013-04-03T11:15:38.857 回答