We have purchased the Embedded ERP Extension for Magento. We have customized it, and have rewritten few controllers also. here is a snippet from my config.xml file

            <!-- should be set to "admin" when overloading admin stuff (?) -->
                <!-- This is used when "catching" the rewrite above -->


            <to>/mdn_extended/AdvancedStock_Warehouse/</to>  <!-- THIS IS AJAX CASE  -->

            <to>/mdn_extended/AdvancedStock_StockMovement/</to> <!-- this is page REFRESH CASE   -->

Now we have an interesting issue here. in first rewrite case if you make any action like sorting / filtering on the grid. It sends and ajax call. In normal case, if session is gone the server returned a denied json like following format


But in first case, the denied json comes in following format, the url is changed


Due to this user goes to 404 page.

Now consider the second rewrite Rule.

In this case, if session is timed out and if you make any actions on grid it refreshes the page but instead of going to login page it reports fatal error (trying to get username) After hours of Debugging we found that its the issue of layout handles.

In normal case, if route name is module/controller/action then magento loads layout handle <module_controller_action> from xml file also loads <admin_index_login>

due to that finally <admin_index_login> is rendered. In case of second rewrite magento is not loading <admin_index_login> handle therefore it shows the fatal error.

I'd appreciate any hint or help in this direction. If you guys need any other info I'll be happy to provide you. Thank you so much!


1 回答 1


有点迟到的答案,但我们在另一个覆盖 sales_order 操作的模块上也遇到了这个问题。我们基本上通过覆盖我们的自定义控制器的构造来解决它,如下所示:

protected function _construct() {
    Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'adminhtml'));
    if (!Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
    } else {

虽然这解决了手头的问题,但核心问题似乎与Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action拒绝操作调用的类有关$this->_redirect('*/index/login');,在您的情况下,它基本上重定向到mdn_extended/index/login. 这实际上可能会导致一些安全风险,所以我建议你总是像这样覆盖控制器,或者将核心类更改为重定向到adminhtml/index/login.

于 2013-02-12T09:29:37.197 回答