我正在通过 Silverlight 上传大文件并实现了分块功能。它工作正常,但是,如果我连续上传三个大(500mb)文件,我仍然会出现内存不足的异常。下面是我的代码,你能发现有什么遗漏吗?
const int _ReadSize = 2097152;
byte[] _Buffer = new byte[_ReadSize];
/// <summary>
/// This method will do the initial read and write and send off the first chunk of data.
/// This is where the filestream is opened from the file info.
/// It also passes a set of parameters to the next call. These are:
/// * bytesRead - the number of bytes that was actually read from the file with stream.Read
/// * stream - This is the filestream
/// * offset - This is the updated offset that has been moved to the position in the stream we are currently at
/// </summary>
void DoWork()
FileStream stream = _SelectedFile.OpenRead();
ServerAvailable = false;
bool startRead = true;
int bytesRead = 0;
bytesRead = stream.Read(_Buffer, 0, _ReadSize);
int offset = bytesRead;
List<object> args = new List<object>();
IDataManipulationService client = new DataManipulationServiceClient();
client.BeginUploadLargeFile(_Buffer, (int)_SelectedFile.Length, FileName, startRead, offset - bytesRead, bytesRead, FinishedUploadPiece, args);
/// <summary>
/// This method is called once the previous call to the web server has been completed.
/// It will read the next chunk of the file and send that through to the web server next.
/// If 0 bytes were read from the previous read on the stream; it will do the following:
/// - Close the file stream
/// - Dispose the file stream
/// - set the FileInfo to null
/// - Reset the FileSize, UploadProgress and FileName variables to default values
/// - Make the buttons available for use
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">The result contains the information about the outcome of the previous call. This also contains the args parameter sent through with the previous call.</param>
void FinishedUploadPiece(IAsyncResult result)
if (result.IsCompleted)
List<object> args = (List<object>)result.AsyncState;
int bytesRead = (int)args[0];
FileStream stream = (FileStream)args[1];
int offset = (int)args[2];
if (bytesRead != 0)
UploadProgress += bytesRead;
if (UploadProgress == FileSize)
FileSize = 0;
UploadProgress = 0;
FileName = String.Empty;
ServerAvailable = true;
_SelectedFile = null;
bytesRead = stream.Read(_Buffer, 0, _ReadSize);
offset += bytesRead;
args = new List<object>();
IDataManipulationService client = new DataManipulationServiceClient();
client.BeginUploadLargeFile(_Buffer, (int)_SelectedFile.Length, FileName, false, offset - bytesRead, bytesRead, FinishedUploadPiece, args);
澄清一些事情:_SelectedFile 是 FileInfo 类型,每次我想通过它发送数据时,我都会创建一个到服务器的新连接,但我也尝试过使用全局注入连接。