I am building a recommendation system for dishes. Consider a user eating french fries and rates it a 5. Then I want to give a good rating to all the ingredients that the dish is made of. In the case of french fires the linked words should be "fried" "potato" "junk food" "salty" and so on. From the word Tsatsiki I want to extract "Cucumbers", "Yoghurt" "Garlic". From Yoghurt I want to extract Milk product, From Cucumbers vegetable and so on.

What is this problem called in Natural Language Processing and is there a way to address it?

I have no data at all, and I am thinking of building web crawler that analyzes the web for the dish. I would like it to be as little Ad-Hoc as possible and not necessarily in English. Is there a way, maybe in within deep learning to do the thing? I would not only a dish to be linked to the ingredients but also a category: junk food, vegetarian, Italian food and so on.


2 回答 2


这种类型的问题称为本体工程或本体构建。有关大型本体及其结构的示例,您可以查看类似YAGO的内容。似乎您要为食品构建精品本体,然后覆盖评级系统。我不知道您正在寻找的任何形式的本体,但是您应该看看相关的东西,例如,这个基于 OWL 的食物本体和这个食谱本体

于 2013-01-18T14:56:37.897 回答




Grate a cucumber or chop it. Add garlic and yoghurt.



于 2013-01-18T10:30:10.223 回答