我将我的网站部署到http://finfo.azurewebsites.net/以对其进行测试,但日志未显示在已部署的站点上。如果我在 Visual Studio 2012 中执行 control+F5,徽标会显示得很好(它应该出现在左上角)。我已经通过访问http://finfo.azurewebsites.net/images/logo.png验证了徽标是否已上传

<img id="imgBanner" src="/Images/logo.png" alt="Final Fantasy Info.com Logo" style="height:127px;width:400px;" />

我有另一个使用标签可以正常工作的图像,只是这个图像不起作用。我也尝试过使用 tildy,但它不显示

I can take the code for the image that works and past it on the line right about the broken logo code and that image will not work either. If I change the line of code for the working image so it points to the logo it works fine.

Why is it that only this one image is not showing up and only when deployed to Azure?


2 回答 2


Looking at this in Chrome dev tools, you have a css rule in your bundled stylesheet

img { display: none; }

Which probably doesn't help

于 2013-01-17T12:26:14.797 回答

I believe the relative path to the image is not correct, check your browser debugger to see if it fails to load the resource, it should helpe if you refer your image like this: src="~/Images/logo.png"

于 2013-01-17T12:26:11.910 回答