但是,当我使用此功能制作插件时,stopPropagation() 不再起作用,当我单击“更多”按钮时,我仍然会收到显示的警报,如此处所示
$.fn.shorten = function(settings) {
var config = $.extend( {
showChars : 100,
ellipsesText : "...",
moreText : "more",
lessText : "less"
}, settings);
$(document).off('click', '.morelink').on('click', '.morelink', function(e){
var $this = $(this);
// Toggle del nombre del link
if ($this.hasClass('less')) { // clic en more para mostrar less
// muestro shorcontent y escondo allcontent
$this.parent().prev().prev().show(); // shortcontent
$this.parent().prev().hide(); // allcontent
} else { // click en less para mostrar more
$this.parent().prev().prev().hide(); // shortcontent
$this.parent().prev().show(); // allcontent
return false;
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var content = $this.html();
if (content.length > config.showChars) {
var c = content.substr(0, config.showChars);
if (c.indexOf('<') >= 0) // If there's HTML don't want to cut it
var inTag = false; // I'm in a tag?
var bag = ''; // Put the characters to be shown here
var countChars = 0; // Current bag size
var openTags = []; // Stack for opened tags, so I can close them later
for (i=0; i<content.length; i++)
if (content[i] == '<' && !inTag)
inTag = true;
// This could be "tag" or "/tag"
tagName = content.substring(i+1, content.indexOf('>', i));
// If its a closing tag
if (tagName[0] == '/')
if (tagName != '/'+openTags[0]) console.log('ERROR en HTML: el tope del stack debe ser la tag que cierra');
openTags.shift(); // Pops the last tag from the open tag stack (the tag is closed in the retult HTML!)
// There are some nasty tags that don't have a close tag like <br/>
if (tagName.toLowerCase() != 'br')
openTags.unshift( tagName );// Agrega al inicio el nombre de la tag que abre
if (inTag && content[i] == '>')
inTag = false;
if (inTag) bag += content[i]; // Add tag name chars to the result
if (countChars < config.showChars)
bag += content[i];
countChars ++;
else // Ya tengo los caracteres necesarios
if (openTags.length > 0) // Tengo tags sin cerrar
console.log('Quedaron tags abiertas');
for (j=0; j<openTags.length; j++)
console.log('Cierro tag '+ openTags[j]);
bag += '</'+ openTags[j] +'>'; // Cierro todas las tags que quedaron abiertas
// You could shift the tag from the stack to check if you end with an empty stack, that means you have closed all open tags
c = bag;
var html = '<span class="shortcontent">' + c + ' ' + config.ellipsesText +
'</span><span class="allcontent">' + content +
'</span> <span><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="morelink badge">' + config.moreText + '</a></span>';
$(".allcontent").hide(); // Esconde el contenido completo para todos los textos