All you need to do is use CHtml::dropDownList
, possibly with CHtml::listData
to ease the process of creating a value=>display
array for the <options>
Example (see comments in code):
echo CHtml::dropDownList(
'somename',// for "name" attribute of <select> html tag,
// this also becomes the "id" attribute, incase you don't specify
// it explicitly in the htmlOptions array
'', // the option element that is to be selected by default
CHtml::listData( // listData helps in generating the data for <option> tags
Program::model()->findAll(), // a list of model objects. This parameter
// can also be an array of associative arrays
// (e.g. results of CDbCommand::queryAll).
'id', // the "value" attribute of the <option> tags,
// here will be populated with id column values from program table
'program_name' // the display text of the <option> tag,
// here will be populated with program_name column values from table
array('id'=>'someid'), // the htmlOptions array, whose values will be
// generated as html attributes of <select> and <option> tags
Edit Incase you don't have a CActiveRecord
model for program table, you could use direct sql, replace Program::model()->findAll()
in the above sample with:
Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('id, program_name')->from('program')->queryAll()
Also if you want to use program_name column values as the value
attribute for the option
tag, then you can use:
CHtml::listData($data,'program_name','program_name') // replaced the 'id' with 'program_name'