我正在将可编辑网格与 mysql 一起使用。它将数据绑定并显示到我的网格。但是,当我尝试编辑或更新网格时,它没有这样做。
$grid->addColumn('CertificateNo', 'CertificateNo', 'integer', NULL, false);
$grid->addColumn('ID', 'ID', 'integer');
$grid->addColumn('QuizNo', 'Test No', 'integer');
$grid->addColumn('Received', 'Received', 'boolean');
$grid->addColumn('DateReceived', 'Date Received', 'datetime');
// Get all parameters provided by the javascript
$colname = $mysqli->real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['colname']));
$id = $mysqli->real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['id']));
$coltype = $mysqli->real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['coltype']));
$value = $mysqli->real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['newvalue']));
$tablename = $mysqli->real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['tablename']));
/ This very generic. So this script can be used to update several tables.
if ( $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE ".$tablename." SET ".$colname." = ? WHERE id = ?")) {
$stmt->bind_param("si",$value, $id);
$return = $stmt->execute();
下面是将值传递给我的 update.php 脚本的 javascript 部分。
function updateCellValue(editableGrid, rowIndex, columnIndex, oldValue, newValue, row, onResponse)
url: 'update.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: "html",
data: {
tablename : editableGrid.name,
id: editableGrid.getRowId(rowIndex),
newvalue: editableGrid.getColumnType(columnIndex) == "boolean" ? (newValue ? 1 : 0) : newValue,
colname: editableGrid.getColumnName(columnIndex),
coltype: editableGrid.getColumnType(columnIndex)
success: function (response)
// reset old value if failed then highlight row
var success = onResponse ? onResponse(response) : (response == "ok" || !isNaN(parseInt(response))); // by default, a sucessfull reponse can be "ok" or a database id
if (!success) editableGrid.setValueAt(rowIndex, columnIndex, oldValue);
highlight(row.id, success ? "ok" : "error");
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, exception) { alert("Ajax failure\n" + errortext); },
async: true
这个模板带有一个 javascript editablegrid-2.0.1。我注意到问题与主键有关。在可以从 www.editablegrid.net 找到的演示中,该表具有主键 ID,而我的具有 CertificateNo,但我的表中的 ID 不是主键。
$grid->addColumn('ID', 'ID', 'integer', NULL, false);
$grid->addColumn('CertificateNo', 'CertificateNo', 'integer', NULL, false);