有没有办法控制 TextView 选择包装其文本的位置?我遇到的问题是它想在句点处换行 - 所以像“在美国和加拿大可用”这样的字符串可以在 U 和 S 之间的句点之后换行。有没有办法告诉 TextView 不要换行,除非有句号和空格,或者一些控制换行的编程方式?


2 回答 2



private static void breakManually(TextView tv, Editable editable)
    int width = tv.getWidth() - tv.getPaddingLeft() - tv.getPaddingRight();
    if(width == 0)
        // Can't break with a width of 0.
        return false;

    Paint p = tv.getPaint();
    float[] widths = new float[editable.length()];
    p.getTextWidths(editable.toString(), widths);
    float curWidth = 0.0f;
    int lastWSPos = -1;
    int strPos = 0;
    final char newLine = '\n';
    final String newLineStr = "\n";
    boolean reset = false;
    int insertCount = 0;

    //Traverse the string from the start position, adding each character's
    //width to the total until:
    //* A whitespace character is found.  In this case, mark the whitespace
    //position.  If the width goes over the max, this is where the newline
    //will be inserted.
    //* A newline character is found.  This resets the curWidth counter.
    //* curWidth > width.  Replace the whitespace with a newline and reset 
    //the counter.

    while(strPos < editable.length())
        curWidth += widths[strPos];

        char curChar = editable.charAt(strPos);

        if(((int) curChar) == ((int) newLine))
            reset = true;
        else if(Character.isWhitespace(curChar))
            lastWSPos = strPos;
        else if(curWidth > width && lastWSPos >= 0)
            editable.replace(lastWSPos, lastWSPos + 1, newLineStr);
            strPos = lastWSPos;
            lastWSPos = -1;
            reset = true;

            curWidth = 0.0f;
            reset = false;


    if(insertCount != 0)
于 2013-01-20T08:43:19.903 回答

有一个名为 WrapTogetherSpan 的 spannable。没有关于它的文档,但听起来里面的文本不应该换行。

于 2013-01-17T06:20:07.697 回答