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          <h4>Jane and her team did a terrific job of triage: organizing, hand-holding and packing for our big downsizing move.  Although we were just moving within Chicago, things were so well wrapped and labeled I think we could have shipped the boxes to anywhere in Europe and found everything perfectly intact. With her assistance, we were able to feel comfortable with everything.<br />
            <br /><em>Claire<br />
 Chicago, Ill</em></h4>

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1 回答 1


好吧,可能是我不对,但我想在 IE8 中问题是没有结束</h5>标签

检查查看源代码,然后查看第 38 行

<h5>Sign up for great organizing tips!<br />


按 F12 你会明白我的意思

于 2013-01-17T04:53:07.963 回答