目前我正在做以下事情,我确信这是一种缓慢的方式。基本上我穿过一个网格并确定a)是否存在一颗星星,b)如果有一颗星星是什么类型。我认为我应该做的是使用我的已知值(例如 current_star_density * 0.25)并使用它来绘制一系列点。我想我不确定的部分是当我绘制该数量时如何防止重复。


for (var z = 0; z < gridZ; z++) 
    for (var x= 0; x < gridX; x++) 
        star_chance = Random.value * 1000;   // * 1000      
        if (star_chance <= current_star_density)
            star_class = Random.value * 100;
            if (star_class <=1) // add in the other star types etc
                new_star = Instantiate(prefab_o, Vector3(x * 10 + transform.position.x - 500, 0, z * 10 + transform.position.z - 500), Quaternion.identity);
                new_star.transform.parent = this.transform;
                new_star.name = String.Format("O:{0}.{1}:{2}.{3}",galaxy_X,x,galaxy_Y,z);
            else if (star_class <=2) 
                new_star = Instantiate(prefab_b, Vector3(x * 10 + transform.position.x - 500, 0, z * 10 + transform.position.z - 500), Quaternion.identity);
                new_star.transform.parent = this.transform;
                new_star.name = String.Format("B:{0}.{1}:{2}.{3}",galaxy_X,x,galaxy_Y,z);
            else if (star_class <=5) 
                new_star = Instantiate(prefab_a, Vector3(x * 10 + transform.position.x - 500, 0, z * 10 + transform.position.z - 500), Quaternion.identity);
                new_star.transform.parent = this.transform;
                new_star.name = String.Format("A:{0}.{1}:{2}.{3}",galaxy_X,x,galaxy_Y,z);
            else if (star_class <=10) 
                new_star = Instantiate(prefab_f, Vector3(x * 10 + transform.position.x - 500, 0, z * 10 + transform.position.z - 500), Quaternion.identity);
                new_star.transform.parent = this.transform;
                new_star.name = String.Format("F:{0}.{1}:{2}.{3}",galaxy_X,x,galaxy_Y,z);
            else if (star_class <=20) 
                new_star = Instantiate(prefab_g, Vector3(x * 10 + transform.position.x - 500, 0, z * 10 + transform.position.z - 500), Quaternion.identity);
                new_star.transform.parent = this.transform;
                new_star.name = String.Format("G:{0}.{1}:{2}.{3}",galaxy_X,x,galaxy_Y,z);
            else if (star_class <=40) 
                new_star = Instantiate(prefab_k, Vector3(x * 10 + transform.position.x - 500, 0, z * 10 + transform.position.z - 500), Quaternion.identity);
                new_star.transform.parent = this.transform;
                new_star.name = String.Format("K:{0}.{1}:{2}.{3}",galaxy_X,x,galaxy_Y,z);
            else if (star_class <=80) 
                new_star = Instantiate(prefab_m, Vector3(x * 10 + transform.position.x - 500, 0, z * 10 + transform.position.z - 500), Quaternion.identity);
                new_star.transform.parent = this.transform;
                new_star.name = String.Format("M:{0}.{1}:{2}.{3}",galaxy_X,x,galaxy_Y,z);

1 回答 1



star_density这里是一个介于 0 和 1 之间的数字,1 表示全密度,0 表示没有。

// We have a fixed amount of stars based on the grid size and density
// You could add a small random multiplier if you wish
for (var i = 0; i < gridX * gridZ * star_density; ++i) {
    // Pick a random position until we find an empty one
    do {
        var x = floor(Random.value * gridX);
        var z = floor(Random.value * gridY);
    } while (grid[z][x].containsStar());
    var new_star = /* Do all the star initialization stuff and randomization */
    grid[z][x] = new_star;


当碰撞不太可能发生时,这对于低恒星密度(例如,低于 30% - 完全虚构的数字,需要一些实验)应该更有效,但在某些时候如果会运行得比你当前的更糟,因为找到的概率很低一个空闲插槽并使用两个随机值而不是你的一个。另一个缺点是,如果RNG很糟糕,理论上这可能会进入一个网格大且密度非常高的无限循环。您可以通过简单地根据密度选择要使用的算法来应对最坏情况下的性能。

于 2013-02-22T10:40:27.850 回答