
    public void method1 (int a, int b) {
            //body (the same in both of methods)
            List<SomeObject> list = service.getListA(int c, int d);
            //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)

        public void method2 (int a, int b) {
            //body (the same in both of methods)
            List<SomeObject> list = service.getListB(int c, int d, int e);
            //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)



    public void method1 (int a, int b) {
            //body (the same in both of methods)
            int c = some_value;
            List<SomeObject> list = service.getListA(a, b, c);
            //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)

        public void method2 (int a, int b) {
            //body (the same in both of methods)
            int c = some_value;
            int d = another_value;
            List<SomeObject> list = service.getListB(a, b, c, d);
            //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)



6 回答 6



public void method1 (int a, int b) {
        MyClass myClass = method3(a, b);
        List<SomeObject> list = service.getListA(myClass.getC(), myClass.getD());

public void method2 (int a, int b) {
        MyClass myClass = method3(a, b);
        List<SomeObject> list = service.getListB(myClass.getC(), myClass.getD(), myClass.getE());

public MyClass {
    private final int c;
    private final int d;
    private final int e;

public MyClass method3(int a, int b) {
    // body
    return new MyClass(c, d, e)

public void method4(List<SomeObject> list) {
    // rest of body
于 2013-01-16T22:57:33.293 回答


public void method (int a, int b, int method) {
    //body (the same in both of methods)
    List<SomeObject> list = null;
    switch (method) {
        case 1: 
            list = service.getListA(int c, int d);
        case 2: 
            list = service.getListB(int c, int d, int e);
    //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)

int method我将使用新enum类型并在语句中定义一个default案例,而不是用作附加参数。switch

于 2013-01-16T23:01:23.517 回答

将 service.getListA 或 service.getListB 的调用封装在 ListSource 类/接口中,在具体类中实现每个版本,并将具体实例作为第三个参数传递。这基本上是 jlordo 提出的答案的面向对象版本。

interface ListSource {
    List<SomeObject> getList(int c, int d, int e);

class ListSourceA implements ListSource {
    // constructor etc.
    public getList(int c, int d, int e) {
      return service.getListB(c, d);

class ListSourceB implements ListSource {
    // constructor etc.
    public getList(int c, int d, int e) {
      return service.getListA(c, d, e);

public void method (int a, int b, ListSource source) {
    //body (the same in both of methods)
    List<SomeObject> list = source.getList(int c, int d, int e);
    //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)
于 2013-01-16T23:12:33.570 回答
public void method (int a, int b, List<SomeObject> theList) {
    //body (the same in both of methods)
    List<SomeObject> list = theList;
    //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)


如果使用泛型不知道 SomeObject 类型,我相信你可以进一步这样做(而且我不是 java 程序员,所以你必须阅读文档

public void method (int a, int b, List<T> theList) {
    //body (the same in both of methods)
    List<T> list = theList;
    //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)
于 2013-01-16T23:14:12.040 回答


public void method(int a, int b, Service service) {
    // body
    List<SomeObject> list = service.getList(myClass);
    // rest

public enum Service {
    METHOD_1 {
        public List<SomeObject> getList(MyClass myClass) {}
    METHOD_2 {
        public List<SomeObject> getList(MyClass myClass) {}

    public abstract List<SomeObject> getList(MyClass myClass);

public MyClass {
    private final int c;
    private final int d;
    private final int e;

本质上与@proskor 相同,只是形式不同。

于 2013-01-16T23:15:45.137 回答

如果身体部位相互依赖,那么你不能像@dicarlo2 的回答那样做:

private interface GetObjects {
    List<SomeObject> get();

public void method1(int a, int b) {
    impl(a, b, new GetObjects() { public List<SomeObject> get() {
        return service.getListA(c, d);

public void method2(int a, int b) {
    impl(a, b, new GetObjects() { public List<SomeObject> get() {
        return service.getListB(c, d, e);

private void impl(int a, int b, GetObjects getObjects) {
    //body (the same in both of methods)
    List<SomeObject> list = getObjects.get();
    //rest of the body (the same in both of methods)


Java SE 8 中可能会出现更好的语法。IIRC,大致如下:

public void method1(int a, int b) {
    impl(a, b, { -> service.getListA(c, d) });
于 2013-01-16T23:20:51.443 回答