Apologies but I haven't found what I needed from other threads OR I just couldn't use what they had.

afternoon was hoping to get an answer to an annoying problem I'm having I need these values to work from; as in dynamically. So, I can have a variable with the X position constantly updated and also have the original stored earlier.


  • the offset values of an image, but I need them for 3 images

I get this error http://postimage.org/image/5drn1ubo7/

no point in saying I'm a newb, but go easy and explain as if you would a child.


1 回答 1


Judging by the error you have received, it looks like you're using offsetTop() (i.e. as a function), rather than offsetTop (as a property of the element object)...

You should try:

topPos = element.offsetTop;

See here for more information > https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/element.offsetTop

于 2013-01-16T16:35:58.330 回答