Plain-Jane Interator 方法
// your original function
function create_username($username){
// check if the username (as-is) already exists
if ($this->check_username($username)){
// use $n to keep a counter
$n = 1;
// while {username}_{n} exists, keep incrementing the counter
while ($this->check_username($username.'_'.$n)){
/* If you don't want this to check to infinity, uncomment
* the below portion. the 100 is an arbitrary number, but use
* whatever you want as a limitation (could even make it a
* parameter in the method). Also, returning FALSE allows you to
* gracefully catch when max attempts are reached.
* e.g.
* if (($new_user = $obj->create_username('BradChristie')) !== FALSE){
* // user was successfully created within the max allowed attempts
* }
//if ($n > 100) return FALSE
// return the result
return $username.'_'.$n;
// username was fine, return it back
return $username;
// recursive username check
public function create_username($username, $n = 0)
/* Same as above function, this is a check to prevent counting
* to infinity. uncomment to apply it
//if ($n > 100) return FALSE;
// establish the username we're testing. if $n is 0,
// it's the original call to the function (don't add _0)
// if it's >0, it's part of the search so include it
$_username = $username . ($n > 0 ? '_'.$n : '');
// check if the username exists.
if ($this->check_username($_username))
// it exists, so make a call to this same function passing
// the original username and the value of n + 1 (move to next
// possibility)
return $this->create_username($username, $n+1);
// the name, as-is, was fine. return it
return $_username;