Source Table
SOurceID Name ParentId
Target Table
RefId ParentRefId SourceId Name
-- RefId 是来自 TableReference 的外键
Table Reference
RefID -- Auto increment IdentityCOlumn
需要以这样的方式合并(插入/更新)TableSource 和 TableTArget
1. On Each insert into TableTarget, it should insert a new RefId into TableReference and then Copy that RefId into TableTarget's RefId Column.
2.ParentRefId also needs to be populated on the basis of ParentID in TableSource I-E
TableSource --假设TableSource开头有以下记录
SOurceID Name ParentId
1A Group1 NULL
3C Department1 1A
4D Department2 2B
5E Section1 3C
6F Section2 4D
-- I want to see TableTarget as following
RefId SourceId Name ParentRefId
1 1A Group1 NULL as Group1 doesn't has a parent
2 2B GROUP2 NULL as Group1 doesn't has a parent
3 3C Department1 1 -- SourceID 3C's Parent is 1A and RefID of 1A is 1
4 4D Department2 2 -- SourceID 4D's Parent in TableSOurce is 2B so we need to find the RefId of 2B in TableTarget to insert it here. That's 2
5 5E Section1 3 -- PArent of 5E is 3C and RefId of 3C is 3
6 6F Section2 4 -- PArent of 6F is 4D and RefID of 4D is 4
Name 和 SourceID 的合并不是问题。当我们需要在 TableReference 中为每个插入 TableTarget 的新 RefID 插入一个新的 RefID,然后复制它并将其插入到 tableTarget 时,问题就开始了。第二个问题是如何填充 ParentRefID。任何有关这方面的意见将不胜感激
* 最好的方法是什么 ** 我们需要游标吗?我们是否应该先用 RefID 加载它们并在加载它们之前处理 ParentRefId?*