这是一个完整的示例。您几乎拥有它 - 您必须get_pointer()
命名空间中删除 。
#include <boost/python.hpp>
// dummy smart ptr class
template <typename T> class Ptr {
typedef T element_type;
Ptr(): px(0) {}
Ptr(T* p): px(p) {}
// base operators
T* operator->() { return px; }
const T* operator->() const { return px; }
T& operator*() { return *px; }
const T& operator*() const { return *px; }
// getters
T* get() { return px; }
const T* get() const { return px; }
T* px;
// a dummy class that will be held by your custom smart pointer
class Session {
Session(int value) : value_(value) {}
virtual ~Session() {}
// a few methods to play with the class
int value() const { return value_; };
void value(int value) { value_ = value; }
int value_;
// this emulates methods actually using your smart pointers
void print_value_1(const Ptr<Session>& s) {
std::cout << "[by const reference] The value of this session is " << s->value() << std::endl;
void print_value_2(Ptr<Session> s) {
std::cout << "[by value] The value of this session is " << s->value() << std::endl;
// here comes the magic
template <typename T> T* get_pointer(Ptr<T> const& p) {
//notice the const_cast<> at this point
//for some unknown reason, bp likes to have it like that
return const_cast<T*>(p.get());
// some boost.python plumbing is required as you already know
namespace boost { namespace python {
template <typename T> struct pointee<Ptr<T> > {
typedef T type;
} }
// now the module
using namespace boost::python;
class_<Session, Ptr<Session>, boost::noncopyable>("Session", init<int>());
def("print_value_1", &print_value_1);
def("print_value_2", &print_value_2);
您可以使用以下 python 代码对此进行测试:
import example
s = example.Session(27)