For the most part, AnkhSVN is working well with VS2008. The only issue I'm seeing is when an image is added from one dev, it is not added to any other machines when the SubVersion Update to Latest Version is executed.

The log file shows that the image was in fact added and submitted to SVN, but no file is downloaded added locally.

So far I've only seen this with .gif files.

Any tips?



4 回答 4


请参阅此处了解为什么会这样以及如何解决它: SVN:同事将文件夹签入存储库,但我无法将我的版本更新到它

于 2009-09-17T11:24:01.693 回答

Subversion is not natively supported by Visual Studio 2008. Which add-on are you using to access Subversion?

I would use the SVN command line client or TortoiseSVN to do a checkout of the source code and see whether it is committed properly. Then take a look at whether the project files have a reference to the file at all.

于 2009-09-16T18:18:09.300 回答

我不认为您已将 .gif 文件添加到排除列表中,对吧?无意中做到这一点很难。至少值得一看。

于 2009-09-17T13:43:54.953 回答

Did you also commit the project file. Most project files keep a list of items that should be included in the project. Adding a new file also adds it to that list.

于 2009-10-27T19:01:54.787 回答