我一直在单独开发,所以刚刚使用 dropbox 作为我使用 VS2012 开发的 MVC 代码副本的备份。
现在我还有两个开发人员,我正在寻找其他人与我合作的方式。我在看 Unfuddle 和 Assembla。我对这一切都很陌生,所以请原谅这个基本问题。
This depends on the repository you choose, with Assembla or Unfuddle git is offered and will allow you to do this. SVN is also offered and will work as a backend repository, but it is not distributed and you cannot have a local repository.
Yes, for these platforms, for SCMs, which support local repositories (not for Subversion), forking repositories with cloning later forks to local repositories) and merge requests is one style of collaboration.
Another way is adding collaborators to the team of single shared central repo