我正在构建一个应用程序,它使用许多 ItemControls(数据网格和列表视图)。为了从后台线程轻松更新这些列表,我将此扩展用于 ObservableCollections,效果很好:


今天我安装了 VS12(它又安装了 .NET 4.5),因为我想使用一个为 .NET 4.5 编写的组件。在将我的项目升级到 .NET 4.5(从 4.0)之前,我的数据网格在从工作线程更新时开始抛出 InvalidOperationException。异常消息:

引发此异常是因为名称为“(未命名)”的控件“System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid Items.Count:5”的生成器已接收到与 Items 集合的当前状态不一致的 CollectionChanged 事件序列。检测到以下差异:累计计数 4 与实际计数 5 不同。[累计计数为(上次重置时的计数 + #Adds - 自上次重置以来的#Removes)。]



<Window x:Class="Test1.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
      <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Items, Mode=OneTime}" PresentationTraceSources.TraceLevel="High"/>       


public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public ExtendedObservableCollection<int> Items { get; private set; }

    public MainWindow()
        Items = new ExtendedObservableCollection<int>();
        DataContext = this;
        Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded;

    void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(1, 500))

4 回答 4


WPF 4.5 provides some new functionality to access collections on non-UI Threads.

It WPF enables you to access and modify data collections on threads other than the one that created the collection. This enables you to use a background thread to receive data from an external source, such as a database, and display the data on the UI thread. By using another thread to modify the collection, your user interface remains responsive to user interaction.

This can be done by using the static method EnableCollectionSynchronization on the BindingOperations class.

If you have a lot of data to collect or modify, you might want to use a background thread to collect and modify the data so that the user interface will remain reactive to input. To enable multiple threads to access a collection, call the EnableCollectionSynchronization method. When you call this overload of the EnableCollectionSynchronization(IEnumerable, Object) method, the system locks the collection when you access it. To specify a callback to lock the collection yourself, call the EnableCollectionSynchronization(IEnumerable, Object, CollectionSynchronizationCallback) overload.

The usage is as follows. Create an object that is used as a lock for the synchronization of the collection. Then call the EnableCollectionSynchronization method of the BindingsOperations and pass to it the collection you want to synchronize and the object that is used for locking.

I have updated your code and added the details. Also i changed the collection to the normal ObservableCollection to avoid conflicts.

public partial class MainWindow : Window{
  public ObservableCollection<int> Items { get; private set; }

  //lock object for synchronization;
  private static object _syncLock = new object();

  public MainWindow()
    Items = new ObservableCollection<int>();

    //Enable the cross acces to this collection elsewhere
    BindingOperations.EnableCollectionSynchronization(Items, _syncLock);

    DataContext = this;
    Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded;

  void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(1, 500))
                lock(_syncLock) {

See also: http://10rem.net/blog/2012/01/20/wpf-45-cross-thread-collection-synchronization-redux

于 2013-05-03T21:37:04.347 回答

总结本主题,这AsyncObservableCollection适用于 .NET 4 和 .NET 4.5 WPF 应用程序。

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Threading;

namespace WpfAsyncCollection
    public class AsyncObservableCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
        public override event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
        private static object _syncLock = new object();

        public AsyncObservableCollection()
            enableCollectionSynchronization(this, _syncLock);

        protected override void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            using (BlockReentrancy())
                var eh = CollectionChanged;
                if (eh == null) return;

                var dispatcher = (from NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler nh in eh.GetInvocationList()
                                  let dpo = nh.Target as DispatcherObject
                                  where dpo != null
                                  select dpo.Dispatcher).FirstOrDefault();

                if (dispatcher != null && dispatcher.CheckAccess() == false)
                    dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.DataBind, (Action)(() => OnCollectionChanged(e)));
                    foreach (NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler nh in eh.GetInvocationList())
                        nh.Invoke(this, e);

        private static void enableCollectionSynchronization(IEnumerable collection, object lockObject)
            var method = typeof(BindingOperations).GetMethod("EnableCollectionSynchronization", 
                                    new Type[] { typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(object) });
            if (method != null)
                // It's .NET 4.5
                method.Invoke(null, new object[] { collection, lockObject });
于 2014-02-25T21:31:55.110 回答


我们还不能以 4.5 为目标,并且我们已经允许后台更新的自定义 observable 集合遇到了这个问题(通过在事件通知期间使用 Dispatcher)。

如果有人觉得它有用,我在我们的应用程序中使用了以下针对 .NET 4.0 的代码,以便在执行环境是 .NET 4.5 的情况下使其能够使用此功能:

public static void EnableCollectionSynchronization(IEnumerable collection, object lockObject)
    // Equivalent to .NET 4.5:
    // BindingOperations.EnableCollectionSynchronization(collection, lockObject);
    MethodInfo method = typeof(BindingOperations).GetMethod("EnableCollectionSynchronization", new Type[] { typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(object) });
    if (method != null)
        method.Invoke(null, new object[] { collection, lockObject });
于 2013-09-09T11:10:39.650 回答

这适用于使用可能存在此问题的VS 2017发行版的Windows 10 版本 1607用户。

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
Version 15.1 (26403.3) Release
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.01586


<ListBox x:Name="FontFamilyListBox" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedIndex, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="{Binding FontFamilyWidth, Mode=TwoWay}"
         SelectedItem="{Binding FontFamilyItem, Mode=TwoWay}"
         ItemsSource="{Binding FontFamilyItems}"
        <DataTemplate DataType="typeData:FontFamilyItem">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" diag:PresentationTraceSources.TraceLevel="High"/>


public ObservableCollection<string> fontFamilyItems;
public ObservableCollection<string> FontFamilyItems
    get { return fontFamilyItems; }
    set { SetProperty(ref fontFamilyItems, value, nameof(FontFamilyItems)); }

public string fontFamilyItem;
public string FontFamilyItem
    get { return fontFamilyItem; }
    set { SetProperty(ref fontFamilyItem, value, nameof(FontFamilyItem)); }

private List<string> GetItems()
    List<string> fonts = new List<string>();
    foreach (System.Windows.Media.FontFamily font in Fonts.SystemFontFamilies)
        other stuff..
    return fonts;

public async void OnFontFamilyViewLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Task<List<string>> getItemsTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(GetItems);

        foreach (string item in await getItemsTask)
    catch (Exception x)
        throw new Exception("Error - " + x.Message);

    other stuff
于 2017-04-17T03:17:31.227 回答