随着新外观的 Android ADT(Android 开发者工具)有一些新的项目向导,它们比我习惯的旧的 hello world 模板更进一步,我试图理解它们,但发现它真的很困难。
enter code here
当您使用此向导创建项目时,它将创建一个包含文件 SystemUIHider.java 的 util 库。
protected OnVisibilityChangeListener mOnVisibilityChangeListener = sDummyListener;
public interface OnVisibilityChangeListener {
public void onVisibilityChange(boolean visible);
2)如果 OnVisibilityChangeListener 是一个接口而不是严格来说是一个类,这怎么可能?
private static OnVisibilityChangeListener sDummyListener = new OnVisibilityChangeListener() {
public void onVisibilityChange(boolean visible) {
谢谢 !
package com.example.test2.util;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Build;
import android.view.View;
public abstract class SystemUiHider {
* When this flag is set, the
* {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN}
* flag will be set on older devices, making the status bar "float" on top
* of the activity layout. This is most useful when there are no controls at
* the top of the activity layout.
* <p>
* This flag isn't used on newer devices because the <a
* href="http://developer.android.com/design/patterns/actionbar.html">action
* bar</a>, the most important structural element of an Android app, should
* be visible and not obscured by the system UI.
public static final int FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN_OLDER_DEVICES = 0x1;
* When this flag is set, {@link #show()} and {@link #hide()} will toggle
* the visibility of the status bar. If there is a navigation bar, show and
* hide will toggle low profile mode.
public static final int FLAG_FULLSCREEN = 0x2;
* When this flag is set, {@link #show()} and {@link #hide()} will toggle
* the visibility of the navigation bar, if it's present on the device and
* the device allows hiding it. In cases where the navigation bar is present
* but cannot be hidden, show and hide will toggle low profile mode.
public static final int FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION = FLAG_FULLSCREEN | 0x4;
* The activity associated with this UI hider object.
protected Activity mActivity;
* The view on which {@link View#setSystemUiVisibility(int)} will be called.
protected View mAnchorView;
* The current UI hider flags.
protected int mFlags;
* The current visibility callback.
protected OnVisibilityChangeListener mOnVisibilityChangeListener = sDummyListener;
* Creates and returns an instance of {@link SystemUiHider} that is
* appropriate for this device. The object will be either a
* {@link SystemUiHiderBase} or {@link SystemUiHiderHoneycomb} depending on
* the device.
* @param activity The activity whose window's system UI should be
* controlled by this class.
* @param anchorView The view on which
* {@link View#setSystemUiVisibility(int)} will be called.
* @param flags Either 0 or any combination of {@link #FLAG_FULLSCREEN},
* {@link #FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION}, and
public static SystemUiHider getInstance(Activity activity, View anchorView, int flags) {
return new SystemUiHiderHoneycomb(activity, anchorView, flags);
} else {
return new SystemUiHiderBase(activity, anchorView, flags);
protected SystemUiHider(Activity activity, View anchorView, int flags) {
mActivity = activity;
mAnchorView = anchorView;
mFlags = flags;
* Sets up the system UI hider. Should be called from
* {@link Activity#onCreate}.
public abstract void setup();
* Returns whether or not the system UI is visible.
public abstract boolean isVisible();
* Hide the system UI.
public abstract void hide();
* Show the system UI.
public abstract void show();
* Toggle the visibility of the system UI.
public void toggle() {
if (isVisible()) {
} else {
* Registers a callback, to be triggered when the system UI visibility
* changes.
public void setOnVisibilityChangeListener(OnVisibilityChangeListener listener) {
if (listener == null) {
listener = sDummyListener;
mOnVisibilityChangeListener = listener;
* A dummy no-op callback for use when there is no other listener set.
private static OnVisibilityChangeListener sDummyListener = new OnVisibilityChangeListener() {
public void onVisibilityChange(boolean visible) {
* A callback interface used to listen for system UI visibility changes.
public interface OnVisibilityChangeListener {
* Called when the system UI visibility has changed.
* @param visible True if the system UI is visible.
public void onVisibilityChange(boolean visible);