我想知道是否有任何指南,或者任何人都可以帮助使用 PHP SOAP 客户端连接到 Orange M2M 服务器,以便在网页上显示 SMS 消息。我很困惑从哪里开始解决这个问题,在谷歌搜索之后我没有什么可以开始的......这是我的挑战。

我想使用 PHP SOAP 客户端连接到 Orange M2M SMS SOAP 服务器并使用我的用户名/密码访问它,然后我想用它来查看那里的消息以阅读并在 Web 报告中显示它们. 我什至不知道从哪里开始,我已经查看了 Php SOAP 客户端,但没有关于使用 Orange M2M 本身这让我失望。



1 回答 1


As you are wanting to use a PHP client, I would use PHP cURL functions for SOAP. Someone posted a similar problem and a cURL solution was provided, see Execute SOAP using cURL... although this was for POST you would do something similar for GET. Either way you will receive a server response through the "curl_exec($ch)" function. I suggest looking at the cURL function reference on PHP help for more detail.

This basically retrieves information from the server. There are various methods to then display this information on a webpage (e.g. one method would be through an "echo" command).

于 2013-02-18T17:00:03.250 回答