我需要使用handlebars.js,我还使用来自Laravel(PHP 框架)的Blade 模板引擎。标签 {{}} 与完全相同的刀片占位符冲突。
如何将那些 {{var}} 更改为 <% var %> 之类的东西?
我需要使用handlebars.js,我还使用来自Laravel(PHP 框架)的Blade 模板引擎。标签 {{}} 与完全相同的刀片占位符冲突。
如何将那些 {{var}} 更改为 <% var %> 之类的东西?
尽管您可能无法配置 Handlebars 的表达式分隔符,但这并不是解决 Handlebars 和 Blade 之间冲突的唯一方法。Blade 提供的语法允许您通过指定应该传递给 Handlebars 的内容来避免冲突。(这是合适的,因为 Blade 一开始就产生了冲突,而且这是必要的,因为 Blade 在 Handlebars 看到它之前就处理了模板。)只需在您希望 Blade 忽略并按原样传递给 Handlebars@
的花括号之前添加. 这是一个更大示例的非常短的片段:
href="{{ asset("css/bootstrap.theme.3.0.0.css") }}"
<title>Laravel 4 Chat</title>
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
将传递给 Handlebars,但{{ asset("css/bootstrap.theme.3.0.0.css") }}
将由 Blade 处理。
I created handlebars-delimiters on GitHub / npm to make it easy to use custom delims with Handlebars.
var Handlebars = require('handlebars');
var useDelims = require('handlebars-delimiters');
var a = Handlebars.compile('{{ name }}<%= name %>')({name: 'Jon'});
//=> 'Jon<%= name %>'
// Pass your instance of Handlebars and define custom delimiters
useDelims(Handlebars, ['<%=', '%>']);
var b = Handlebars.compile('{{ name }}<%= name %>')({name: 'Jon'});
//=> '{{ name }}Jon'
The idea for the compile function came from https://stackoverflow.com/a/19181804/1267639
Suggestions for improvement or pull requests are welcome!
* change the delimiter tags of Handlebars
* @author Francesco Delacqua
* @param string start a single character for the starting delimiter tag
* @param string end a single character for the ending delimiter tag
Handlebars.setDelimiter = function(start,end){
//save a reference to the original compile function
if(!Handlebars.original_compile) Handlebars.original_compile = Handlebars.compile;
Handlebars.compile = function(source){
var s = "\\"+start,
e = "\\"+end,
RE = new RegExp('('+s+'{2,3})(.*?)('+e+'{2,3})','ig');
replacedSource = source.replace(RE,function(match, startTags, text, endTags, offset, string){
var startRE = new RegExp(s,'ig'), endRE = new RegExp(e,'ig');
startTags = startTags.replace(startRE,'\{');
endTags = endTags.replace(endRE,'\}');
return startTags+text+endTags;
return Handlebars.original_compile(replacedSource);
//EXAMPLE to change the delimiters to [:
刀片模板文件 - template.blade.php
some-template-name 文件 - some-template-name.php
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="content">
{{input type="text" value=name placeholder="Enter your name"}}
<div class="text">
<h1>My name is {{name}} and I want to learn Ember!</h1>
“如果你需要显示一个用花括号括起来的字符串,你可以通过在你的文本前加上 @ 符号来逃避 Blade 行为”
我使用并更新了 user1875109 的源代码,现在它可以与 Handlebars v3.0.3 一起使用:
* change the delimiter tags of Handlebars
* @author Francesco Delacqua
* @param string start a single character for the starting delimiter tag
* @param string end a single character for the ending delimiter tag
Handlebars.setDelimiter = function(start,end){
//save a reference to the original compile function
if(!Handlebars.original_compile) Handlebars.original_compile = Handlebars.compile;
Handlebars.compile = function(source){
var s = "\\"+start,
e = "\\"+end,
RE = new RegExp('('+s+')(.*?)('+e+')','ig');
replacedSource = source.replace(RE,function(match, startTags, text, endTags, offset, string){
var startRE = new RegExp(s,'ig'), endRE = new RegExp(e,'ig');
startTags = startTags.replace(startRE,'\{');
endTags = endTags.replace(endRE,'\}');
return startTags+text+endTags;
return Handlebars.original_compile(replacedSource);
//EXAMPLE to change the delimiters to [:
在刀片模板引擎 (laravel) 中,您可以使用 @verbatim 指令。这样您就不必将@ 添加到每个变量。例子 :
<div class="container">
Hello, {{ name }}.
{% verbatim %}
My name is {{name}}. I am a {{occupation}}.
{% endverbatim %}