我的gridview中有一个输入按钮。我正在使用 jquery 捕获按钮的单击事件,并在后面运行代码(基本上我正在尝试实现电子邮件的已读未读功能):

  $('.toggleBtn').click(function(e) {
           btnUnreadClicked = true;
                type: "POST",
                url: "ClaimDetails.aspx/BtnOpenPDF",
                data: "{'id': '" + letterid + "','anchText': '" + anchText + "'}",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                dataType: "json",
                async: false,

                success: function (msg) {
                    if (msg.d == 'Read') {
                        //update unread text to date time now
                        var d = new Date();
                        var replaceUnread = unreadColumn.toString().replace("Unread", d.format("dd/MM/yyyy"));

                        //update claim letter counts only
                        var parentRow = document.getElementById('__' + parentrowid).innerHTML;
                        var lblUnreadDocCount = $('#__' + parentrowid).find('#lblUnreadDocCount').text();
                        var finalCount = parseInt(lblUnreadDocCount) -1 ; 
                        if(finalCount >= 0)
                            $('#__' + parentrowid).find('#lblUnreadDocCount').text(finalCount);

                        if(finalCount == 0 )
                            //remove the class
                            $('#__' + parentrowid).removeClass('unreadGridRow');

                        //get count of overall documents and subtract from it
                        var notification = $("#NewLetter3");
                        var numb = notification.text().match(/\d/g);
                        var finaldigits = numb.toString().replace(",", "");
                        var finalTotalDocsCount = parseInt(finaldigits) - 1;
                        if(finalTotalDocsCount >= 0)
                            //notification.text(notification.text().replace(numb, finalTotalDocsCount));
                            notification.html("You have " + finalTotalDocsCount + " unread Documents. Please click here to view");
                            //document.getElementById("NewLetter2").innerHTML = notification.text(); 
                            if(finalTotalDocsCount == 0)

                    else  if (msg.d == 'Un-read') {
                        //update unread text to date time now
                        var unreadDate = new Date();
                        var replaceRead = unreadColumn.toString().replace("Unread", unreadDate.format("dd/MM/yyyy"));

                        //update claim letter counts only
                        var unreadparentRow = document.getElementById('__' + parentrowid).innerHTML;
                        var lblUnreadDocCountUnread = $('#__' + parentrowid).find('#lblUnreadDocCount').text();
                        var finalCountUnread = parseInt(lblUnreadDocCountUnread) + 1 ; 
                        if(finalCountUnread >= 0)
                            $('#__' + parentrowid).find('#lblUnreadDocCount').text(finalCountUnread);

                        if(finalCountUnread > 0 )
                            //remove the class
                            $('#__' + parentrowid).addClass('unreadGridRow');

                        //get count of overall documents and subtract from it

                        var Unreadnotification = $("#NewLetter3");
                        if(Unreadnotification.text() == "" ) {    Unreadnotification.html("You have 0 ");}
                        var Unreadnumb = Unreadnotification.text().match(/\d/g);
                        var Unreadfinaldigits = Unreadnumb.toString().replace(",", "");
                        var finalTotalDocsCountUnread = parseInt(Unreadfinaldigits) + 1;

                        if(finalTotalDocsCountUnread >= 0)
                            if(finalTotalDocsCountUnread >= 0)
                            //notification.text(notification.text().replace(numb, finalTotalDocsCount));
                            Unreadnotification.html("You have " + finalTotalDocsCountUnread + " unread Documents. Please click here to view");
                            //document.getElementById("NewLetter2").innerHTML = notification.text(); 




     $("#<%=gvClaimDtSentDate.ClientID%> tr:has(td)").click(function (e) {
                if( $(this).closest('tr').hasClass('parent'))
 if(btnUnreadClicked == false)
                 // do stuff related to row click

                btnUnreadClicked = false;

现在,当我第一次单击该按钮时,它可以正常工作,但在第二次单击时不会调用该事件,并且运行 tr click 中的功能...


此外,当我注释掉 ajax 部分时,它很好......我似乎也找不到任何语法错误。


2 回答 2



 $('.toggleBtn').click(function(e) {


$("body").on("click", ".toggleBtn", function(e){


在这里我添加了事件,body因为我不知道你的 HTML 结构。您应该将 附加.on到 datagridview 或其父级,这样事件就不必冒泡太多。


在每一行附加事件并不是一个好主意,尤其是当行太多时。它会使脚本太重。所以建议.on在这些情况下使用。在旧版本的 jQuery 中,您可能必须.live使用.on.

于 2013-01-14T18:14:47.497 回答


function pageLoad(sender, args) {
    $('.toggleBtn').click(function(e) {...}

这应该有效。实际上在 asp.net 中,您应该在pageLoad()函数中附加所有事件。

于 2013-01-14T18:25:35.350 回答