I have a form developed automatically by some php framework. I want to add a custom validation for form inputs and prevent submitting the form if the validation fails.
To do this, I wrote the following script:
telefon = $("form.pods-form-pod-katilimci #pods-form-ui-pods-field-oncelikli-telefon");
email = $("form.pods-form-pod-katilimci #pods-form-ui-pods-field-email");
if( $.trim(telefon.val()).length == 0 && $.trim(email.val()).length == 0) {
alert("Size ulaşabilmemiz için eposta adresi veya telefon numaranızdan birisini mutlaka doldurmalısınız.");
return false;
It works properly. There is no problem. But submitting the form triggers an automatic ajax call and that call bypasses my validation.
Therefore, preventDefault()
can not prevent submitting the form.
I want to find out which javascript function causes this behaviour using Firebug. I looked at the html source of the form but there is no clear sign of a function triggered by submit evend. Since this is an ajax call, I cannot figure out which function is called after form submitting by using "Break on Next" in Firebug.
The form is on this page: http://www.aep.gov.tr/kullanici-islemleri/uyelik-bilgileri/
How can I find out which javascript function is triggered after form submitting.