改进我的示例,了解如何使用获得的元数据在淘汰赛中创建验证规则 (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13662446/knockout-validation-using-breeze-utility) 现在我使用轻风插入实体的验证器:
function addValidationRules(entity) {
var entityType = entity.entityType;
if (entityType) {
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.dataProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.dataProperties[i];
var propertyName = property.name;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
var validators = [];
for (var u = 0; u < property.validators.length; u++) {
var validator = property.validators[u];
var nValidator = {
propertyName: propertyName,
validator: function (val, other) {
var error = this.innerValidator.validate(val, { displayName: this.propertyName });
this.message = error ? error.errorMessage : "";
return error === null;
message: "",
innerValidator: validator
validation: validators
for (var i = 0; i < entityType.foreignKeyProperties.length; i++) {
var property = entityType.foreignKeyProperties[i];
var propertyName = property.name;
var propertyObject = entity[propertyName];
var validators = [];
for (var u = 0; u < property.validators.length; u++) {
var validator = property.validators[u];
var nValidator = {
propertyName: propertyName,
validator: function (val, other) {
var error = this.innerValidator.validate(val, { displayName: this.propertyName });
this.message = error ? error.errorMessage : "";
return error === null;
message: "",
innerValidator: validator
validation: validators
if (!property.isNullable) {
//Bussiness Rule: 0 is not allowed for required foreign keys
propertyObject.extend({ notEqual: foreignKeyInvalidValue });
//quick function to override rule messages
ko.validation.localize = function (msgTranslations) {
var msg, rule;
//loop the properties in the object and assign the msg to the rule
for (rule in msgTranslations) {
if (ko.validation.rules.hasOwnProperty(rule)) {
ko.validation.rules[rule].message = msgTranslations[rule];