我正在尝试使用libzip和FreeType直接从 ZIP 存档加载 TTF 文件。
. 直接从磁盘打开相同的文件可以正常工作。
可以调用此函数来执行“计数”为 0 的查找或跳过操作。非零返回值表示错误。
它确实被count 0调用了几次,但我看不到任何用libzip进行搜索的方法。
unsigned long ft_zip_read(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset,
unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long count)
zip_file* file = static_cast<zip_file*>(stream->descriptor.pointer);
return zip_fread(file, buffer + offset, count);
void ft_zip_close(FT_Stream stream)
zip_file* file = static_cast<zip_file*>(stream->descriptor.pointer);
FT_Face load_zipped_face(const std::string& name, unsigned int size,
const std::string& zip_path)
FT_Library library;
FT_Error error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library);
if (error)
throw freetype_error_string("Failed to initialise FreeType", error);
int zip_error;
zip* zip = zip_open(zip_path.c_str(), 0, &zip_error);
if (!zip) {
std::ostringstream message_stream;
message_stream << "Error loading ZIP (" << zip_path << "): "
<< zip_error;
throw message_stream.str();
std::string face_path = name + ".ttf";
struct zip_stat stat;
if (zip_stat(zip, face_path.c_str(), 0, &stat))
throw std::string("zip_stat failed");
zip_file* file = zip_fopen(zip, face_path.c_str(), 0);
if (file == 0)
throw face_path + ": " + strerror(errno);
FT_StreamDesc descriptor;
descriptor.pointer = file;
FT_StreamRec* stream = new FT_StreamRec;
stream->base = 0;
stream->size = stat.size;
stream->descriptor = descriptor;
stream->read = &ft_zip_read;
stream->close = &ft_zip_close;
FT_Open_Args open_args;
open_args.flags = FT_OPEN_STREAM;
open_args.stream = stream;
FT_Face face;
error = FT_Open_Face(library, &open_args, 0, &face);
if (error == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format)
throw std::string("Unsupported format");
else if (error)
throw freetype_error_string("Unknown error loading font", error);
error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, size);
if (error)
throw freetype_error_string("Unable to set pixel sizes", error);
return face;