我正在使用有状态 EJB 来保存我的登录信息:

public class SecurityService {

    private static final Logger log4jLogger = Logger.getLogger(SecurityService.class);

    @Inject UtenteDao utenteDao;
    @Inject AutorizzazioneDao autorizzazioneDao;

    private Utente utenteCorrente;

    private Negozio negozioCorrente;

    public SecurityService() {


    public boolean authenticate() {

        boolean result = false;

        Principal principal = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal();
        if (principal!=null) {
            utenteCorrente = utenteDao.findByUsername(principal.getName());

        if (negozioCorrente!=null && utenteCorrente!=null) {
            Autorizzazione a = autorizzazioneDao.cercaPerNegozioAndUtente(negozioCorrente, utenteCorrente);
            result = a!=null;

        return result;

// ... }

我的 JSF 登录页面由以下控制:

public class LoginController {

@Inject private SecurityService securityService;

private String username;    
private String password;

private Negozio negozio;

public void login() throws IOException {

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExternalContext externalContext = context.getExternalContext();
    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();

    try {

        if (request.getUserPrincipal() != null) {
        request.login(username, password);

        if (!securityService.authenticate()) {
            throw new ServletException("Utente non abilitato.");


    } catch (ServletException e) {
        context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Accesso Negato"));        

public void logout() throws IOException {


public String getLoggedUsername() {
    Utente utenteCorrente = securityService.getUtenteCorrente();
    String fullName = "";
    if (utenteCorrente!=null) {
        fullName = utenteCorrente.getNomeCompleto();
    } else {
        System.out.println("Utente NULLO");
    return fullName;




我不断得到一个null securityService.getUtenteCorrente()

SecurityService EJB 的行为类似于无状态会话 bean!我想知道我是否误解了关于有状态 EJB 的某些内容,或者我只是省略了一些内容以使其按预期工作。

我的目标只是拥有一个“会话范围”的 bean 来保持用户状态。是否需要 EJB 或者我可以只使用 SessionScoped JSF ManagedBean?


2 回答 2


LoginController是请求范围的,而您的SecurityService是依赖范围的(出于所有目的,除非您指定它,否则它不是会话范围的)。因此,当第二个 JSF 页面LoginController在 EL 表达式中引用 时,LoginController将创建一个新实例,该实例将引用另一个SecurityServiceSFSB 实例。

If you need to access the original SecurityService instance, you should mark it as @SessionScoped so that clients like the LoginController can access them across requests. But then, you might also want to consider why you need a @Stateful annotation in the first place, since this task could be done by an @SessionScoped managed bean. You don't really need a SFSB to store a reference to your User/Principal objects.

于 2013-01-14T08:54:15.063 回答


于 2013-01-14T08:53:23.317 回答