一种能够快速始终为卡车提供最后陈述位置的解决方案。另一种解决方案是将两列 posDateTime 和 mainId 添加到卡车表并更改触发器中的逻辑。
该解决方案假设您有一个支持触发器的 mysql 版本。
-- drop table if exists last_position_for_truck ;
CREATE TABLE if not exists `last_position_for_truck` (
`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`truckId` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`mainId` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
`posDateTime` datetime NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `truckId` (`truckId`)
-- make sure there is a one to one relationship with trucks and last_position_for_truck
-- can be run multiple times
-- must be run if a new truck is added if nothing else is done to maintain the one to one relationship
insert into `last_position_for_truck` ( truckId, mainId, posDateTime )
select truckId, mainId, posDateTime from (
select truck.id truckId, 0 mainId, DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR) `posDateTime`
, last_position_for_truck.id last_position_for_truck_id
from truck
left join last_position_for_truck
on last_position_for_truck.truckId = truck.id
) last_position_for_truck
where last_position_for_truck_id is null ;
-- DROP TRIGGER if exists main_insert_trigger ;
delimiter $$
CREATE TRIGGER main_insert_trigger AFTER insert ON main
update last_position_for_truck
set posDateTime = new.posDateTime
, mainId = new.id
where truckId = NEW.truckId and posDateTime < NEW.posDateTime ;
delimiter ;
-- assume there is a truck id of 1 and 2, -35.8739731, 152.22774 is somewhere in Asutralia
insert into main( truckId, posDateTime, lat, lon, address ) values ( 2, now(), -35.8739731, 152.22774, 'Somewhere in Australia' ) ;
insert into main( truckId, posDateTime, lat, lon, address ) values ( 1, now(), -35.8739731, 152.22774, 'Somewhere in Australia' ) ;
-- see the results
select last_position_for_truck.truckId
, last_position_for_truck.mainId
, main.lat
, main.lon
, main.`posDateTime`
from last_position_for_truck
left join main
on main.id = last_position_for_truck.mainId
where last_position_for_truck.id in (1,2) ;
-- sample results
1 14 -35.874 152.228 2013-01-15 11:00:18
2 13 -35.874 152.228 2013-01-15 10:59:33