不知何故,这个问题的后续行动。我只是想知道是否可以使用std::mutex由 a 处理的 in 函数boost::asio:io_service?股线的使用有点不切实际。根据我在boost 参考中找到的内容,我会说没关系。既然它指出

异步完成处理程序只会从当前正在调用 io_service::run() 的线程中调用。

所以 boost 创建的其他线程不应该干扰。我做对了吗?


4 回答 4



  • 处理程序中的外部锁定机制用于保护资源免受竞争条件的影响。
  • Astrand用于消除处理程序之间的争用,从而消除处理程序之间的竞争条件。



  • Boost.Asio 实现了 2 个线程的线程池。
  • 处理程序AB将在同一个互斥锁上同步。
  • 处理程序C不需要同步。
  • 处理程序A,BC发布到io_service.


If a strand is used for synchronization in this scenario, then this instance of starvation would not have occurred. A strand maintains its own handler queue, and guarantees that only one of its handlers is in the io_service, resulting in handlers being synchronized before being placed into the io_service. In the scenario, if A and B are posted into the strand, then the strand will post A into the io_service. This would result in A and C being in the io_service, allowing C to run concurrently while B remains in the strand's queue waiting for A to complete.

Also, there are use cases where both of these forms of synchronization can be used together. For example, consider the case where resources are shared with a thread running outside of the threadpool. A mutex would still be required by threads internal and external to the threadpool. However, a strand could be used to remove the contention for the mutex between threads internal to the threadpool.

于 2013-01-14T14:59:53.517 回答


于 2013-01-14T01:44:40.163 回答

boost只是从它的角度调用回调。这个回调与 没有关系boost,所以boost不在乎你在回调中做了什么。因此,锁定(使用您想要的任何锁定库)非常好。

于 2013-01-14T01:45:38.040 回答

Mutex inside completion handler can block thread execution. In that case you need more io_service threads than boost::thread::hardware_concurrency() to load CPU for 100%. It increases thread switching overhead.

于 2014-03-28T01:44:09.130 回答