我在对话框中呈现了一个 TreeView。使用对话框我有一个清除选择按钮,我的问题是如何将树视图恢复到默认的未展开状态。


在我的 Dailog 框 Javascript 文件的 document.ready 上,我有以下内容来初始化树视图。我应该把它放在一个函数中,然后在对话框中的清除按钮上,再次调用这个函数来重置?


//This load the tree view on document ready

$("#parts ul").treeview({
  persist: "location",
  collapsed: true,
  prerendered: false

Clear: function () {
  $('#partTreeView :checked').removeAttr('checked');
  $("#parts").attr("style", "display:inline;");
  $("#inputParts").attr("style", "display:none;");
  //Toggle/Un-expand tree view here if already expanded here


<!-- This div opens the dialog box -->
<div class="bodyContent"> 
  <span class="leftContent">
    @Html.Label("Select Parts")
  <span class="rightContent">
    <span id="PartChildDialogLink" class="treeViewLink">Click here to Select Parts</span>
    <br />
    <span id="PartDisplay"></span>
    @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.PartDescription)
    <input id="ServiceEntryID" type="hidden" value="0" />

<!-- This div contains the dialog box and the tree viwe rendered inside of it -->
<div id="partTreeView" title="Dialog Title" style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal; overflow: scroll; width: 800px; height: 450px; display: none;">
  <div id="parts">
    <!-- This line renders the treeview just fine -->
    @Html.RenderTree(CacheHelper.Parts(), ec => ec.Name, ec => ec.Children.ToList(), ec => (ec.ID).ToString(), null, "part")
  <div id="inputParts" style="display: none;"></div>
  <div id="inputPartTemp" style="display: none;"></div>

1 回答 1


树视图可以有树视图control。这control由树视图脚本绑定到 3 个操作collapse treeexpand treetoggle tree

树视图control必须是一个包含 3 个锚链接的元素,每个操作一个。

要添加树视图,请在树视图control下方或上方添加以下 HTML:

<div id="myTreeviewcontrol">
  <a href="#"> collapse </a><a href="#"> expand </a><a href="#"> toggle </a>


要让树视图脚本了解控件,以便将 3 个操作绑定到它,请将以下内容添加到树视图中:

$("#parts ul").treeview({
    persist: "location",
    collapsed: true,
    prerendered: false,
    control: "#myTreeviewcontrol"

现在要以编程方式折叠树,您只需触发 中的第一个链接control,如下所示:

$('#myTreeviewcontrol a:eq(0)').click();

演示- 以编程方式折叠树

在上面的 DEMO 中,我将文本留在了锚点中,因此您也可以根据需要使用它们。我在树的底部添加了一个按钮,单击该按钮时,将通过以编程方式触发控件的折叠链接来折叠树


将这些更改应用于您的代码将涉及对您的 HTMLview 和脚本的更改。


<div id="partTreeView" title="Dialog Title" style="font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal;
            overflow: scroll; width: 800px; height: 450px; display: none;">

  <!-- You could insert Tree View Controller here -->
  <div id="myTreeviewcontrol">
    <a href="#"></a><a href="#"></a><a href="#"></a>

  <div id="parts">
    //This line renders the treeview just fine 
    @Html.RenderTree(CacheHelper.Parts(), ec => ec.Name, ec => ec.Children.ToList(), ec => (ec.ID).ToString(), null, "part")
  <div id="inputParts" style="display: none;"></div>
  <div id="inputPartTemp" style="display: none;"></div>


// Let the treeview know "who" your controller is
$("#parts ul").treeview({
  persist: "location",
  collapsed: true,
  prerendered: false,
  control: "#myTreeviewcontrol" // <-- Assign id of controller to control option


// Tell your controller to collapse the tree
Clear: function () {
  $('#partTreeView :checked').removeAttr('checked');
  $("#parts").attr("style", "display:inline;");
  $("#inputParts").attr("style", "display:none;");
  //Toggle/Un-expand tree view here if already expanded here
  $('#myTreeviewcontrol a:eq(0)').click(); //<-- Tell the treeview controller to collaps the treeview it is bound to



树视图脚本将始终期望您指定为的元素内有 3 个链接,control并且始终以与开头提到的完全相同的顺序绑定操作。

  • 第一个链接 = 折叠树
  • 第二个链接 = 展开树
  • 第三个链接 = 切换树

查看jQuery TreeView 源代码,下面的代码显示了它是如何工作的(在函数的底部,您可以看到它是如何触发链接的):

// factory for treecontroller
function treeController(tree, control) {
  // factory for click handlers
  function handler(filter) {
    return function () {
      // reuse toggle event handler, applying the elements to toggle
      // start searching for all hitareas
      toggler.apply($("div." + CLASSES.hitarea, tree).filter(function () {
        // for plain toggle, no filter is provided, otherwise we need to check the parent element
        return filter ? $(this).parent("." + filter).length : true;
      return false;
  // click on first element to collapse tree
  $("a:eq(0)", control).click(handler(CLASSES.collapsable));
  // click on second to expand tree
  $("a:eq(1)", control).click(handler(CLASSES.expandable));
  // click on third to toggle tree
  $("a:eq(2)", control).click(handler());
于 2013-01-14T00:53:37.243 回答