第一个选项可能是最直观的:您将字符串拆分为一个点,就像您已经做的那样,然后剥离结果字符串以删除任何空格并恢复尾随点。在 Python 中:
sentences = input.split('.')
sentences = [s.strip() + '.' for s in sentences if s]
print sentences.join('\n')
A second and simpler approach is to simple replace '. ' with '.\n':
print input.replace('. ', '.\n')
This will work with your input, but will fail if someone uses two spaces to separate sentences (which some people prefer).
The final and most flexible approach is to use a regular expression to split on the combination of a dot and whitespace:
import re
sentences = re.split('(?<=\.)\s*', input)
print sentences.join('\n')
Notice the important difference with your regular expression: I used \s* to consume all possible whitespace. This matters in cases where there are two or more spaces, or none at all.