我刚刚开始使用 Nokia Here API,它运行良好,但我注意到地图在 iOS 上禁用了捏缩放,在 iPhone 和 iPad 上。

这是一个例子:http ://seemann.com/mapsample/

在桌面上的大多数浏览器上都可以正常工作,但在 iOS 上无法进行缩放。(尚未在 Android 上测试过。)即使我关闭了 Behavior 组件,也会发生这种情况。



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A basic pinch zoom functionality does exist in the HERE Maps API for Javascript - you just need to include the Behavior component as shown.

var map = new nokia.maps.map.Display(mapContainer, {
    // initial center and zoom level of the map
    center: [52.51, 13.4],
    zoomLevel: 10,
    components: [
        // We add the behavior component to allow panning / zooming of the map
        new nokia.maps.map.component.Behavior()]

To take a couple of examples

If you don't include Behavior zoom will not work - here is an example

I've just tested the examples using an iPad and they work fine for me.

According to the browser support matrix the API will work on Safari 5+ and iOS 4+

于 2013-01-18T14:03:16.543 回答