我的输出没有Total Marks正确插入数据,似乎缺少问题 1 的总分,这是因为每个问题的分数如下所示:

Question 1: 3
Question 2: 5
Question 3: 2

现在表格包含不正确的答案,所以表格看起来像我发现的这个小提琴http://phpfiddle.org/main/code/7j1-we2,如果您查看结果,您会发现问题 1 和 2 都包含问题2 标记,并且 queston 3 包含它的标记。但是我怎样才能得到正确的标记来显示,为什么它缺少第一个问号?

更新 1:

$query = "SELECT q.QuestionNo, an.Answer, q.TotalMarks, o.OptionType
Question q INNER JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionID = an.QuestionID
INNER JOIN Option_Table o ON o.OptionID = q.OptionID
ORDER BY q.QuestionId, an.Answer

   // prepare query
   // execute query

       // This will hold the search results
    $searchQuestionNo = array();
    $totalMarks = array();
    $incorrect_ans = array();

    // Fetch the results into an array

   // get result and assign variables (prefix with db)
$stmt->bind_result($dbQuestionNo, $dbAnswer, $dbTotalMarks $dbOptionType);

$specialOptionTypes = array('Yes or No' => array( 'Yes', 'No' ),'True or False' => array( 'True', 'False' ));

while ($stmt->fetch()) {

// Do this for each row:
if ( array_key_exists( $dbOptionType, $specialOptionTypes ) ) {
    $options = $specialOptionTypes[$dbOptionType];
} else if ( preg_match( '/^([A-Z])-([A-Z])$/', $dbOptionType, $match ) ) {
    $options = range( $match[1], $match[2] );
} else {
    // issue warning about unrecognized option type
    $options = array();
$right = str_split( $dbAnswer ); 
$wrong = array_diff( $options, $right );  

        $searchQuestionNo[] = $dbQuestionNo;
        $totalMarks[] = $dbQuestionMarks;

以上是检索错误答案的代码。对于每个问题会发生什么,它会检索每个问题$dbOptionType并显示可能的答案列表。例如,如果问题 1$dbOptionTypeA - D,那么Answers它显示的列表是A, B, C, D$dbQuestionNo上面的代码还使用and检索每个问题的编号和总分$TotalMarks


QuestionNo  Answer  TotalMarks OptionType
1           B       3          A-D
2           A       5          A-D
2           C       5          A-D
3           D       2          A-D

更新 2:

对于问题 2,因为它是多个答案,这就是为什么它在数组中显示两组数据。因为如果一个问题中有多个答案,它删除正确答案的方式如下:

Question 2: Answers: A, B, C, D  Remove Correct Answer: A  Incorrect Answers: B, C, D
Question 2: Answers: A, B, C, D  Remove Correct Answer: C  Incorrect Answers: A, B, D


  • 显示可能的答案
  • 删除 1 个正确答案A
  • 显示不正确的答案B, C, D


  • 显示可能的答案
  • 删除 1 个正确答案C
  • 显示不正确的答案A, C, D(我们知道A不正确,但因为它一次只删除一个正确的答案并显示所有可能的答案,所以它A在第二组中表现得好像不正确但在第一组中正确)

更新 3:

该错误是由于您使用 for() 在 $ques_ans 上迭代的数组在键中存在间隙。

var_dump($ques_ans) gives us:
array(3) {
  ... skipped for brevity
  array(2) {
    string(1) "B"
    string(1) "D"
  ... skipped for brevity

没有键为1的元素。这是因为我在第 49 行使用的函数 array_intersect 保留了键。

为了快速修复代码以使其正常工作,我在第 51 行添加了 array_values(): $ques_ans[$questionNo] = array_values($q_incorrect_ans); //store the array of incorrect ans反对 ques no 作为键。




   $query = "SELECT q.SessionId, s.SessionName, q.QuestionId, q.QuestionNo, q.QuestionContent, an.Answer, an.AnswerId, q.QuestionMarks, q.OptionId, o.OptionType 
Question q INNER JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionID = an.QuestionID 
INNER JOIN Option_Table o ON o.OptionID = q.OptionID 
INNER JOIN Session s ON s.Sessionid = q.Sessionid 
WHERE s.SessionName = ? 
ORDER BY q.QuestionId, an.Answer 

   // prepare query 
   // You only need to call bind_param once 
   $stmt->bind_param("s", $assessment); 
   // execute query 

       // This will hold the search results 
    $searchQuestionNo = array(); 
    $searchQuestionContent = array(); 
    $totalMarks = array(); 
    $searchAnswerId = array(); 
    $incorrect_ans = array(); 
    $searchMarks = array(); 

    // Fetch the results into an array 

   // get result and assign variables (prefix with db) 
$stmt->bind_result($dbSessionId, $dbSessionName, $dbQuestionId, $dbQuestionNo, $dbQuestionContent, $dbAnswer, $dbAnswerId, $dbQuestionMarks, $dbOptionId, $dbOptionType); 

$specialOptionTypes = array('Yes or No' => array( 'Yes', 'No' ),'True or False' => array( 'True', 'False' )); 

while ($stmt->fetch()) { 

// Do this for each row: 
if ( array_key_exists( $dbOptionType, $specialOptionTypes ) ) { 
    $options = $specialOptionTypes[$dbOptionType]; 
} else if ( preg_match( '/^([A-Z])-([A-Z])$/', $dbOptionType, $match ) ) { 
    $options = range( $match[1], $match[2] ); 
} else { 
    // issue warning about unrecognized option type 
    $options = array(); 
$right = str_split( $dbAnswer );  
$wrong = array_diff( $options, $right );   

        $searchQuestionNo[] = $dbQuestionNo; 
        $searchQuestionContent[] = $dbQuestionContent; 
        $incorrect_ans[] = $wrong; 
        $searchAnswerId[] = $dbAnswerId; 
        $totalMarks[] = $dbQuestionMarks; 
        $searchMarks[] = $dbQuestionMarks; 





$ques_ans = array(); //to store incorrect answers against ques no.

$q_occ_count = array_count_values($searchQuestionNo);
foreach ($searchQuestionNo as $key => $questionNo) {
    if (!array_key_exists($questionNo, $ques_ans)) {
        if ($q_occ_count[$questionNo] === 1) //if a ques has only one correct ans
            $ques_ans[$questionNo] = $incorrect_ans[$key]; //store the array of incorrect ans against the ques no as key 
        } else //if a ques has more than 1 correct ans
            //find the intersection of incorrect_ans arrays for this ques
            $q_keys          = array_keys($searchQuestionNo, $questionNo);
            $q_incorrect_ans = $incorrect_ans[$q_keys[0]];
            foreach ($q_keys as $q_key) {
                $q_incorrect_ans = array_intersect($q_incorrect_ans, $incorrect_ans[$q_key]);
            $ques_ans[$questionNo] = array_values($q_incorrect_ans); //store the array of incorrect ans against the ques no as key
<table id='penaltytbl'> 
<th class='questionth'>Question No.</th> 
<th class='questionth'>Question</th> 
<th class='incorrectanswerth'>Incorrect Answer</th> 
<th class='answermarksth'>Marks per Answer</th> 
<th class='totalmarksth'>Total Marks</th> 
<th class='noofmarksth'>Marks Remaining</th> 

foreach ($ques_ans as $questionNo => $inc_ans) {
    $q_row_span = count($inc_ans);
    $row_count  = 0;


<tr class="questiontd"> 

<td class="questionnumtd q<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>_qnum" rowspan="<?php
    echo $q_row_span;
    echo $questionNo;
<input type="hidden" name="numQuestion" value="<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>" /> 
    <input type="hidden" name="q<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>_ans_org" class="q<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>_ans_org" value="<?php
    echo $searchMarks[array_search($questionNo, $searchQuestionNo)];
    <input type="hidden" name="q<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>_ans" class="q<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>_ans" value="<?php
    echo $searchMarks[array_search($questionNo, $searchQuestionNo)];

    <td class="questioncontenttd" rowspan="<?php
    echo $q_row_span;
    echo $searchQuestionContent[array_search($questionNo, $searchQuestionNo)];
?> </td> 

<td class="answertd"><?php
    echo $inc_ans[$row_count];
<input type="hidden" id="hiddenincorrect" name="incorrect[]" value="<?php
    echo $inc_ans[$row_count];

<td class="answermarkstd"> 
<input class="individualMarks q<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>_mark"  q_group="1" name="answerMarks[]" type="text" data-type="qmark" data-qnum="<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" maxlength="3" /> 

<td class="totalmarkstd" rowspan="<?php
    echo $q_row_span;
    echo $totalMarks[array_search($questionNo, $searchQuestionNo)];

<td class="noofmarkstd q<?php
    echo $questionNo;
?>_ans_text"  q_group="1" rowspan="<?php
    echo "<strong>" . $searchMarks[array_search($questionNo, $searchQuestionNo)] . "</strong>";
    //remaining incorrect answers in separate row (if any) follows here
    if ($row_count < $q_row_span - 1) {
        for ($i = ($row_count + 1); $i < $q_row_span; $i++) {
            <td class="answertd"><?php
            echo $inc_ans[$i];
            <input type="hidden" id="hiddenincorrect" name="incorrect[]" value="<?php
            echo $inc_ans[$i];

            <td class="answermarkstd"> 
            <input class="individualMarks q<?php
            echo $questionNo;
?>_mark"  q_group="1" name="answerMarks[]" type="text" data-type="qmark" data-qnum="<?php
            echo $questionNo;
?>" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" maxlength="3" /> 


<input type='hidden' id='num_groups' name='num_groups' value='<?php
echo $questionNo;
<input id="submitBtn" name="submitPenalty" type="submit" value="Submit Marks" /> 





1 回答 1




<td class="totalmarkstd" rowspan="<?php echo $q_row_span?>">
    <?php echo $totalMarks[array_search($questionNo, $searchQuestionNo)]?>


$ques_ans[$questionNo] = array_values($q_incorrect_ans);    //store the array of incorrect ans against the ques no as key

更新 2:


foreach($ques_ans as $questionNo => $inc_ans)
    $inc_ans = array_values($inc_ans);

更新了 phpFiddle:http ://phpfiddle.org/main/code/get-rps

于 2013-01-13T12:59:52.447 回答