Every time I insert my USB device in a new port, the OS keep asking me to provide a driver and this is quite annoying since this is the same device. I read some similar posts over internet but I don't understands quite sure how my device should present itself to Windows XP and get the driver automatically after it has installed once.

Perhaps this is about serial number in descriptor (which in my case is missing since I've read this needs to be absolutely unique and this falls in another problem)?


1 回答 1


这是 Windows XP 的众所周知的问题,它似乎没有很好的解决方案(如果您使用未签名的驱动程序,这尤其令人讨厌)。

但是,Windows XP 应该只询问每个 USB 端口一次 - 第二次插入同一个 USB 端口不会触发驱动程序重新安装序列。

此问题已在 Windows 7 中修复(前提是您已为您的硬件签署了驱动程序)。

于 2013-01-13T10:54:50.610 回答