创建一个计算的 observable,它将根据您的条件返回两个数组之一,无论它们是什么并绑定到它。确保决定选择哪个的条件也是可观察的,以便正确更新。
function ViewModel(data) {
this.array1 = ko.observableArray(data.array1);
this.array2 = ko.observableArray(data.array2);
// change this value to true to use array2
this.chooseArray2 = ko.observable(false);
this.array = ko.computed(function () {
return this.chooseArray2()
? this.array2()
: this.array1();
}, this);
<div data-bind="foreach: array">
当然,逻辑可能比这更复杂。为了更易于管理,我还将计算条件 observable 并在其中创建逻辑。返回数组的计算 observable 不必改变太多。
function ViewModel(data) {
this.array1 = ko.observableArray(data.array1);
this.array2 = ko.observableArray(data.array2);
// which to choose depends on a number of conditions
this.someCondition = ko.observable(false);
this.anotherCondition = ko.observable(true);
this.someNumber = ko.observable(132);
this.chooseArray2 = ko.computed(function () {
// some complex logic
if (this.someNumber() < 0) {
return this.someCondition();
return this.someCondition() || !this.anotherCondition();
}, this);
this.array = ko.computed(function () {
return this.chooseArray2()
? this.array2()
: this.array1();
}, this);