在 django 1.4 中,延迟类的构造如下:
def deferred_class_factory(model, attrs):
Returns a class object that is a copy of "model" with the specified "attrs"
being replaced with DeferredAttribute objects. The "pk_value" ties the
deferred attributes to a particular instance of the model.
class Meta:
proxy = True
app_label = model._meta.app_label
# The app_cache wants a unique name for each model, otherwise the new class
# won't be created (we get an old one back). Therefore, we generate the
# name using the passed in attrs. It's OK to reuse an existing class
# object if the attrs are identical.
name = "%s_Deferred_%s" % (model.__name__, '_'.join(sorted(list(attrs))))
name = util.truncate_name(name, 80, 32)
overrides = dict([(attr, DeferredAttribute(attr, model))
for attr in attrs])
overrides["Meta"] = Meta
overrides["__module__"] = model.__module__
overrides["_deferred"] = True
return type(name, (model,), overrides)