我有一个包含五个字段的表单;first name, last name,和. username_passwordpasswordConfirmation



function validateRegistrationForm(firstName, lastName, username, password, passwordConfirmation) {
alert("validate form function has been called");
//alert("function has been called");


var firstName = firstName;
var lastName = lastName;
var username = username;
var password = password;
var passwordConfirmation = passwordConfirmation;


//**The code that I have sectioned off here, I am unsure whether I need it or not, could someone please explain to me why I would do this, and not just reference the parameters in the function directly?**

// Check here if all the fields in the registeration form have been filled.

if ( firstname == null || firstname == "" ) {
    //firstname hasn't been filled out

if ( lastName == null || lastName == "" ) {
    //lastname hasn't been filled out

if ( username == null || username == "" ) {
    //username hasn't been filled out

if ( password == null || password == "" ) {
    //password hasn't been filled out

if ( passwordConfirmation == null || passwordConfirmation == "" ) {
    //passwordconfirmation hasn't been filled out

我想有一种方法来检查每个字段是否已填写(我认为我在这里填写),如果没有,则生成通知,例如相关输入元素周围的红色边框和/或消息以及如何解决问题的说明。我知道这可以用 css 完成,但我不确定最有效的方法。


function generateError(messageText, elementIdentifier) {
alert("error generator called");    
//var element = document.getElementById(elementID);
//var error = document.createTextNode(message);
//element.innerHTML = message;
alert("Element: " + elementIdentifier + ", Reason: " + messageText);

function validatePassword(password, passwordConfirmation) {
alert("password check called");
if (password == passwordConfirmation) {
    if (password.length < 8) {
        //password too short
        //alert("password\'s match but they are too short");

        return false;
    } else {
        //passwords match and the right length
        //alert("password\'s match and they are 8 characters or longer");
        return true;
} else {
    //the two do not match
    //alert("they don\'t match")
    generateError("Passwords don\'t match", "password");
    return false;



2 回答 2


定义复杂。我认为您的代码已经太复杂了。赠品是有重复。每当你看到重复时,问问自己是否有办法将所有重复组合成一个循环。结果是更少的代码,但通常还有更易于更改的代码。例如,如果要添加电话号码,则必须再添加四行代码以及另一个参数,这将破坏函数的向后兼容性,除非您添加更多代码以允许未定义的电话号码。您可能会说“我绝对不会再添加任何字段,所以这不是问题。” 我不知道我说过多少次,我自己和我最终不得不吃掉我的话并为我的功能做手术。此外,它只是更好的工程。

另外,让我们重新审视一下您的 validateRegistrationForm 函数。你现在拥有它的方式,我猜它是由 onsubmit 触发的,但为什么不通过给用户在每个字段上的即时反馈来利用 JavaScript 的敏捷性呢?我将把它改成 validateRegistrationElement,它会被称为 onchange。我们只会传入一个参数,即正在评估的文本框。这样我们就可以使用“this”。所以每个文本框看起来像:

 <input type="text" id="firstname" onchange="validateRegistrationElement(this)" />

此外,在每个文本框旁边,让我们在每个文本框旁边放置一个反馈框,并摆脱那些烦人的警报弹出窗口。我们甚至可以使用 CSS 类名“error”和“success”来设置反馈框的样式,并将它们分别设为红色或绿色。

 <div id="firstnameFeedback"></div>



 .error {background-color: pink; border: 1px dashed red; color: white} 
 .success {border: 1px dashed green;}

与其在函数中加载每个表单元素的详细信息,不如将指令分离为一种配置变量,一个对象数组。数组的每个成员将代表一个表单元素,因此在您的情况下,数组将有四个成员。这些将是包含函数需要知道的所有内容以报告错误的对象。我的建议是让每个对象包含表单元素的 id、一个标签、一个要求(一组正则表达式与它们自己的反馈消息配对是理想的,但让我们用字符串长度保持简单)和一个特殊条件用于匹配的密码。

 var myFields =
    "id": "firstname",
    "label": "first name",
    "minLength": 1 //in other words, the field is required
    "id": "lastname",
    "label": "last name", 
    "minLength": 1
    "id": "password1",
    "label": "first password", 
    "minLength": 6,
    "maxLength": 8,
    "mustMatch": "password2"
    "id": "password2",
    "label": "second password", 
    "minLength": 6,
    "maxLength": 8,
    "mustMatch": "password1"

这太复杂了吗?我不这么认为。现在我们有一堆乐高积木,我们的验证器功能可以使用它。我们可以轻松地添加或减去元素。如果需要,我们甚至可以为以后添加功能,并且不会破坏功能(例如密码 maxlength,我已将其排除在功能之外)。我会给你看。这是新的验证器功能。请记住,只要用户更改字段中的值,就会调用它。该函数将知道是哪一个,因为我们在 html 中使用了“this”。

 function validateRegistrationElement(field) {
  var message = ""; //declare an empty string literal for the message
  for (i=0;i<myFields.length; i++){ //loop through each array element until we find the object
   if(myFields[i].id == field.id){ //once we've found the config object
    if(myFields[i].minLength > field.value.length){ //if the field is shorter than what's allowed
     message += myFields[i].label + " must be longer than " + myFields[i].minLength;
    if (typeof(myFields[i].mustMatch) != 'undefined'){ //if the field must match another...
     if(field.value != document.getElementById(myFields[i].mustMatch)){ //...does it match
      message += myFields[id].label +" must match "+myFields[id].mustMatch;
   document.getElementById(field.id + "Feedback").innerText = message;
   if (message.length > 0) {setClass(field.id, "error")} //if there an error message, highlight red
   else{setClass(field.id, "success")}//otherwise, highlight green


该函数管理 CSS 并由上述函数调用。

 function setClass(id, className) {
    document.getElementById(id).className = "";
    document.getElementById(id).className = className;
    document.getElementById(id+"Feedback").className = "";
    document.getElementById(id+"Feedback").className = className; 
于 2013-01-15T00:44:25.277 回答

试试很棒的jQuery 验证插件


于 2013-01-15T00:53:08.097 回答