使用 KineticJS,我想出了如何将函数作为 Gameboard 函数传递,但是 Gameboard 函数中的所有这些都认为现在是获得该函数的对象:(。
function Gameboard(){
//.... creates placeholders for stage layers and all objects
this.dice_layer=new Kinetic.Layer();
//..alter images
this.dice_layer.draw();//<~~ thinks this is circle once passed through setUpGameBoard says dice_layer is undefined. alert(this.toString()); shows this to be circle.
// ...draws board pawns creates a circle object
var obj=this;//<~~ are there memory issues with this? Is there a better way?
circle.on("click",**obj**.rolldice.**bind**(obj);//** == ANSWER!!!!