I have tried the links available here for similar questions before but it does not work. So I am posting my case here.

I have time in format:


This is stored as varchar(50) in my Microsoft SQL Server database.

I am trying to convert it to time format as on this link.


Can you please help?


2 回答 2


The string is in the wrong format. It should be 09:47:11.895799. You need to replace the final : with a .

SELECT CAST(STUFF('09:47:11:895799', 9,1,'.') AS TIME)
于 2013-01-12T13:17:35.373 回答

You can also make your string as hh:mi:ss:mmm (24 hour format) and then convert as time. That means trimming out last 3 digits from your milli seconds without replacing last ':' with '.'

Here is MSDN link for more details of formatting. Here is working example of SQL Fiddle

DECLARE @s varchar(50) = '09:47:11:895799'
SELECT Convert(time, Left(@s,Len(@s)-3), 114)
于 2013-01-12T13:49:35.960 回答