Question context

So I organized my application into bounded contexts (Eric Evans' "domain-driven design"). One of the bounded contexts is the "gameplay context." It, for instance, contains an interface Gamer

public interface Gamer {
    void setFriends(Set<Gamer> friends);
    Set<Gamer> getFriends();

There is also an implementation that is able to persist a Gamer's state to a database.

public class JpaGamer implements Gamer {
    private String someData;
    private String someSensitiveData;

    public setFriends (Set<Gamer> friends) {


Far, far away, inside another bounded context called "accounts context," I have classes and interfaces that deal with the users of my application. For instance, there is an interface called Account.

public interface Account{
    boolean isSignedUp();

So a user / Account can be signed up or not. For any Account, there exists a corresponding Gamer.


I have a business rule: Never persist sensitive data anyhow related to a non-signed-up Account.

For example, this means that some non-signed-up Account's JpaGamer instance cannot write data to the someSensitiveData field. You could informally say that this JpaGamer is a "non-signed-up JpaGamer".

I don't want to hardcode any accounts-related logic into anything gameplay-related (and the same the other way around).

How can I implement such business rules in Java without tainting either bounded context with concepts from the other bounded context?

To fulfill the business rule, I have the idea that whenever there is a "non-signed-up JpaGamer", I wrap that JpaGamer inside a SparsePersistingGamer. The SparsePersistingJpaGamer would simply not forward to the underlying JpaGamer any method that could potentially tamper with someSensitiveData.
But now I have a problem with the someGamer.getFriends() method. For the SparsePersistingGamer, it would lazily load all that gamer's friends from JPA, returning a set of plain JpaGamers that are not aware of the (and any other) business rule, therefore persisting someSensitiveData for potentially "non-signed-up JpaGamers".

Which strategies do you apply to tackle similar and related situations?


1 回答 1



该规则表明Gamer实体需要了解其帐户状态。我不熟悉您的域,因此我无法评论边界,但让我们假设确实有两个不同的 BC:游戏玩家和帐户。这表明需要某种同步 - 来自 Accounts BC 的信息需要到达 Gamers BC。信息可以通过多种方式传递。

一种方法是使用事件驱动架构 (EDA) 对每个 Gamer 实体中的帐户状态进行非规范化。这不会污染 Gamers BC,因为帐户状态是影响实体行为的适当信息。可以设置 EDA,以便 Account BC 发布有关状态更改的事件,并且 Gamers BC 订阅这些更改并更新 Gamers 实体中的非规范化数据。这里的优点是两个 BC 将是自治的。然而,需要考虑的一个因素是最终一致性- Account BC 中的更改不会与 Gamers BC 在事务上保持一致。这通常是可以接受的,因为延迟可以变得越来越小。

另一种方法是将帐户状态数据提供给使用该信息的 Gamers 实体上的所有行为。此信息将由实现与玩家实体相关的用例的应用程序服务检索。他们GamerApplicationSerivce会打电话给Accounts BC。这种方法的优点是简单——无需设置事件处理。缺点是自主性降低 - Accounts BC 必须可用于Gamer需要帐户状态信息的用例。


于 2013-01-12T19:41:51.300 回答