I'm working on a project with highcharts and got stuck customizing some detailed stuff inside the chart.

Here is the chart (with my needs):

A Radar Graph generated by Highcharts

I want to customize some of the labels (in the red circles), making them bold and bigger than the rest. I also want to change the style of those dots (in the green circles), making them bigger (or even replaced by a customized SVG graph) than the rest.

How do I achieve that? Is there any reference I need to read?

Thanks very much for any kind of tips!

Update, thanks for the great tips, I have made one step towards the target, but still have some questions, described in this picture:

Further customization


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显然你可以通过 highchart api 实现这一点。您可以为每个数据点指定一个标记。http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#series.data.marker


series: [{
            name: 'Allocated Budget',
            data: [{
                name: 'Point 1',
                color: '#00FF00',
                y: 43000,
              marker: {
                    radius: 8
            }, 19000, 60000, 35000, 17000, 10000],
            pointPlacement: 'on'

您可以通过 xAxis 的 label 属性更改每个 xaxis 标签的样式。我从下面的帖子中找到了答案。Highchart - 仅更改一个 x 轴标签的颜色


xAxis: {
        categories: ['Sales', 'Marketing', 'Development', 'Customer Support', 
                    'Information Technology', 'Administration'],
        tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
        lineWidth: 0,
        labels: {
                formatter: function () {
                    if ('Marketing' === this.value) {
                        return '<span style="fill: red;">' + this.value + '</span>';
                    } else {
                        return this.value;


您可以根据需要修改工具提示(鼠标悬停在点上时弹出)。只需看一下 highchart api 上的示例:

tooltip: {
            formatter: function() {
                return 'The value for <b>'+ this.x +
                    '</b> is <b>'+ this.y +'</b>';



来自 highchart api 的示例(每个点的半径相同):



data: [{
                name: 'Point 1',
                color: '#00FF00',
                y: 43000,
              marker: {
                    radius: 8,
                   states: {
                        hover: {
                            radius: 8
            }, 19000, 60000, 35000, 17000, 10000]

如果我是你,我会深入研究 highchart api,它是一个很棒的库,它提供了修改图表所需的几乎任何类型的功能。

于 2013-01-12T11:37:17.183 回答