Please when i choose "Release" in configuration manager and try to open my program exe and work in it , A message box with "myprogram has stopped working .." , This happens just when release mode is choosen but debug mode, the program runs fine and no problems !

my program contains datasets and connections and more , all are about working with database access

Note: that message box dosen't appear when start my program , it appears after start and when open and close a certain forms

i cant put my code , it is very big about 1000 lines but i'am using this simple code to show a certain form :

 Dim o As New commandsSearch

i think it is a memory problem , maybe?

please give me your solutions :)



1 回答 1


new有时,当您在声明中进行初始化调用(使用 )时,可能会发生这种情况。如果在初始化期间出现错误,则消息充其量只能是通用的。尝试暂时注释掉在加载初始表单之前创建的类等,一次几个,直到缩小范围(或消除它的可能性)。

于 2013-01-12T04:19:45.080 回答