// Module
var Mod = module.exports = function Mod (opts) {
opts = (opts === Object(opts)) ? opts : {};
// This allows users to instanciate without the `new` keyword
if (! (this instanceof Mod)) {
return new Mod(opts);
// Copy user provided configs to this.config
for (var key in opts) if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(opts, key)) {
this.config[key] = opts[key];
Mod.prototype.config = {
foo : 'foo',
bar : 'bar'
Mod.prototype.configure = function configure (key, val) {
this.config[key] = val;
return this;
// Usage
const Mod = require('/path/to/mod');
var i1 = new Mod;
var i2 = Mod();
var i3 = new Mod({
foo: 'bar'
var i4 = Mod({
foo: 'bar'
i4.configure('bar', 'baz');
var i5 = (new Mod).configure('bar', 'baz');
正如 Jake Sellers 在评论中指出的那样,这不是 CommonJS 模块中的标准 API 模式。更好的解决方案是导出一个返回您正在创建的任何对象的函数。
// Keep defaults private
var defaults = {
foo : 'foo',
bar : 'bar'
// Construct
var Mod = function Mod (opts) {
opts = (opts === Object(opts)) ? opts : {};
// This allows users to instanciate without the `new` keyword
if (! (this instanceof Mod)) {
return new Mod(opts);
this.config = {};
// Copy user provided configs to this.config or set to default
for (var key in defaults) if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(opts, key)) {
this.config[key] = opts[key];
else {
this.config[key] = defaults[key];
// Let the user update configuration post-instanciation
Mod.prototype.configure = function configure (key, val) {
this.config[key] = val;
return this;
// Export a function that creates the object
exports.createMod = function createMod (opts) {
return new Mod(opts);
// Export the constructor so user is able to derive from it
// or check instanceof
exports.Mod = Mod;
var mod = require('/path/to/mod');
var i1 = mod.createMod({ foo : 'bar' });
i1.configure('bar', 'baz');