在 ICFP 2012 上,Conor McBride 发表了主题演讲,主题为“Agda-curious?”。
该视频在 youtube 上: http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGyJ519RY6Y
代码也在线: http: //personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/conor.mcbride/ICFP12Code.tgz
第 5 部分的功能(即“Part5Done.agda”,如果您下载了代码)。run
data Inst : Rel Sg SC Stk where
PUSH : {t : Ty} (v : El t) -> forall {ts vs} ->
Inst (ts & vs) ((t , ts) & (E v , vs))
ADD : {x y : Nat}{ts : SC}{vs : Stk ts} ->
Inst ((nat , nat , ts) & (E y , E x , vs))
((nat , ts) & (E (x + y) , vs))
IFPOP : forall {ts vs ts' vst vsf b} ->
List Inst (ts & vs) (ts' & vst) -> List Inst (ts & vs) (ts' & vsf)
-> Inst ((bool , ts) & (E b , vs)) (ts' & if b then vst else vsf)
Level : Set
zl : Level
sl : Level -> Level
{-# BUILTIN LEVEL Level #-}
data _==_ {l : Level}{X : Set l}(x : X) : X -> Set l where
refl : x == x
{-# BUILTIN REFL refl #-}
fact : forall {T S} -> (b : Bool)(t f : El T)(s : Stk S) ->
(E (if b then t else f) , s) ==
(if b then (E t , s) else (E f , s))
fact tt t f s = refl
fact ff t f s = refl
compile : {t : Ty} -> (e : Expr t) -> forall {ts vs} ->
List Inst (ts & vs) ((t , ts) & (E (eval e) , vs))
compile (val y) = PUSH y , []
compile (e1 +' e2) = compile e1 ++ compile e2 ++ ADD , []
compile (if' e0 then e1 else e2) {vs = vs}
rewrite fact (eval e0) (eval e1) (eval e2) vs
= compile e0 ++ IFPOP (compile e1) (compile e2) , []
-- ** old run function from Part4Done.agda
run : forall {ts ts'} -> List Inst ts ts' -> List Elt ts [] -> List Elt ts' []
run [] vs = vs
run (PUSH v , is) vs = run is (E v , vs)
run (ADD , is) (E v2 , E v1 , vs) = run is (E 0 , vs)
run (IFPOP is1 is2 , is) (E tt , vs) = run is (run is2 vs)
run (IFPOP is1 is2 , is) (E ff , vs) = run is (run is1 vs)
run : forall {i j} -> List Inst i j -> Sg Stack (λ s -> s == i) → (Sg SC Stk)
run {vs & vstack} [] _
= (vs & vstack)
run _ _ = {!!} -- I have no clue about the other cases...
--Perhaps the correct type is:
run' : forall {i j} -> List Inst i j -> Sg Stack (λ s -> s == i) → Sg (Sg SC Stk) (λ s → s == j)
run' _ _ = {!!}
编译功能在演讲开始后大约 55 分钟进行了解释。
完整代码可从 Conor 的网页获得。