Not sure what objects is, or your field collection, but first you should have quotes around the literal if it is a string comparison:
from x in objets
where x.field[stringCOLUMN_1] == "8"
select x
Usually your column names are represented as properties.
from x in objets
where x.stringCOLUMN_1 == "8"
select x
Lastly, usually you have a DBContext and you need to drill into it to select a specific table:
from x in db.TableNameHere
where x.stringCOLUMN_1 == "8"
select x
Without seeing more context to your code it's hard to provide more suggestions.
If you're looking to do something more dynamic, note you can append additional where criteria using extension methods:
var query = from x in db.TableNameHere select x;
query = query.Where(x => x.Column1 == "8");
var results = query.ToList();
Without seeing more context to your code it's hard to provide more suggestions.