I am trying to build a robust php function that allows me to traverse over my normalized database. My mySQL database has 6 tables with the following column names (I am only including the primary and foreign keys, as well as some limited table columns for simplicity) so that you can see how they are related.
partID (primary key)
itemID (foreign key)
partID (foreign key)
itemID (primary key)
customerID (foreign key)
itemID (foreign key)
itemID (foreign key)
customerID (primary key)
When I need to generate a query, such as: What are the names of the customers that ordered itemID = 12? I have to first do a query from the sales database for all customerIDs where itemID=12 and then query the customer table to find out their first and last names. Some times, I may need to perform a query where I have to return data from all 6 tables, based on a query asking for all information pertaining to customer whose name is John Smith. Is there any easy way to build a function to handle this variety of queries, without having to build a query for every possible type of search?
Currently, my approach is to pass the following to php via AJAX: web_conditionArray (contains the column name and value of the data provided. Such as nameFirst => 'John', nameLast => 'Smith'); web_resultArray (contains the table name and the columns that I am requesting: sales => 'itemID, itemName').
The issue that I am having with this approach is a way to store the relationships between all of the mySQL datatables with their foreign keys so that my php program knows how to link all the tables together to run the correct query to get from the data provided from one table to the data requested in another table. Any suggestions or a better way to solve this? I was initially thinking of a doubly linked list but the flow from table to table is not linear given that there is a fork where the tableB links to the sales and partDate tables.
I tried to be as specific as I could in describing this situation without writing a novel; however, please let me know if you need any additional information to refine my question further.